Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Daly has piles............

So, Daly has piles..........of books.......of course,which is her latest blog post. Not the first blog on piles I would imagine but maybe one of the few about piles of books. She also includes a photo of said piles......of books.......and it saddened me to see that my photo does not yet adorn her, her wall may be full of my photos but still, you cant beat a shelf photo. Her face adorns two of my shelves,admittedly i am also in both photos, but it counts all the same. and exciting updates from the world of life partner, reflections has vacated back down to the south to reflect on writings and all things dramaturgilocial.........though she has promised to take me clubbing on her return to the big city so I can get my freak on.........

In the mean time, I resort to "ass watch" which involves me trying to glimpse a look at the cute guy's (from office upstairs) bottom.....which isnt easy to do as suit jackets hide everything,rather anyday now I am going to "drop" something in his vicinity and watch as he picks it my head it'll be like the diet coke real life it'll probably create more carnage than a hedgehog in a condom factory.......and will resemble that scene from legally blonde where she accidentally headbutts him..........
Though it wouldnt be the first time I had a bleeding guy on my hands........but I digress.

So stay tuned for more on "ass watch" my friends...........maybe it could become like crimewatch where I can hire actors to recreate moments where I attempt to see his bottom...........such moments like, that time on the stairs or like that time I tried to act nonchalant caus I is enigma, if you will, wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in a mystery.

Obviously I am living life to the MAX.........and im trying to get started on my first holiday of the year......Im thinking Rome.....with Daly.........but she can leave her piles at home..........what with the whole baggage allowance......piles of books you see......hehehehehehe.........

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