Friday, December 24, 2010

Twas the Night Before Christmas.....

Twas the night before christmas and all through the house,
not at a dish was washed because we had no water,

the stockings could not be hung on the chimney with care,
in hopes to avoid the smell of dirty stockings that would be there,

i was nestled all snug on the couch,not yet in bed,
caus it was only 7:30 and im not daly,

And kitty in her apron and i in my dressing gown,
had just settled in with a bottle of wine to drown,

when out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
i couldnt be arsed to check but kitty sprung up to see what was the matter,

away to the window she flew like a flash,
we dont call her detective kitty for nothing you know,

the moon on the brest of the mother-f*cking week old snow,
gave the lustre of tippex to objects below,

when,what before my blue eyes should appear,
but a sleigh and eight horses dressed up as reindeer.............................

because we are all about having the horses outside.

Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!
and now,time for wine,some sneaking present opening and ham eating!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It all got a bit biblical - this starts slow but gets interesting!

Well it just seems like forever since I've been on here chattering away about the goings on in my life... so here is some of what I've been doing.

Well I went home to Tipp and stayed with my aunt for her birthday and then we got snowed in and I stayed for an extra two weeks. Of course the snow was gone from everywhere but her road (and I stress her road and NO ONE elses) froze over. Yes so it was life a road of ice, and only people in tractors and 4 wheel drives were meant to drive on it, obviously once the alcohol ran out Emer and I ventured outside and drove 2 miles an hour then managed to speed along every other road that were completely fine. Also I'm not talking country road = mess and main roads = fine oooohhh no! All the other roads were fine, no ice, no snow. In saying this her neighbour totaled her car trying to go to work so it really was messy. The woman left her driveway, turned right onto road, slid back and into a ditch. She was unharmed and presumably got loads of time off work, I hope she was still paid.

Annnyyywwwhooodle two weeks of being in Emer's house watching TV, comedy, all that great Corrie stuff (by the by that did take up my evenings of one of the weeks... it was brilliant, wow I love Corrie again... I mean I hadn't seen it in forever and though I feel Sally is being a little harsh on Kevin, not that in the real world I think women should be ok with their partners having affairs with neighbours in soap world Sally has had 9 affairs... pot-kettle-black... though she never had a secret child with her best friend's spouse, so I guess I have to side with Sally on that one! Also thank ________ (insert deity here) Rita is ok...) Also well I could talk about Corrie forever cos it's pretty much the only thing spectacular in Tipp, though I had Soooooo much fun with Emer. It was lovely being woken up in the mornings by Maxi (her dog) tottering in to see me then tottering out, having lots of tea and drinking a bottle of wine a night with Emer chatting about life etc. That's a bottle each, obviously, we're cut from the same cloth on that one!

Anyway the time came when i really was missing my darling Musings and the road was thawing out and I decided to venture back to Dublinia with the mater. So we drove back listening to Christmas music and in a really deep fog, all the way from Carlow so that added more time, that I can't honestly say I felt, because of my great love for crimbo songs. Then we came home I grabbed bags etc. went into the house and thought why does it sound like it's raining... looked to the right (living room door) that had a new water feature I hadn't previously noticed. The floor in there was saturated, it had a layer of water, quite like a pond in the middle of the room but wet through the whole room. The skirting board or whatever they're called when they're between the ceiling and the wall were, well on the floor and couch that was up against the wall. The wall... ahh that had water running all down it, like in torrents and the lampshade seemed to be taking the biggest brunt of the force as it had turned into it's very own waterfall.

Mum and I stared in disbelief and then ran to our neighbour, Ray the Amazing (and that Daly is NOT an unneeded capital letter) he was sooooo brilliant he turned off our water, yes i know you're all thinking you mean you are a useless girl that couldn't turn off the mains under your sink??? Alas dodgy builders, who stole from us and did a fairly dodgy version of house renovation, in general... nails? they didn't seem to need them, not when they could get their hands on some glue, most likely prit stick (yep I could have gone somewhere else with that but "dignity, always dignity")So there was no mains tap under our sink and then we moved the dishwasher and nope not there so Ray went up to the attic and couldn't do it from there and then he went outside to the one on the street and got down and turned it off there which was an awful job cos it took ages to work out which size connection thingy (ok so I'm a bit girly) went on and he had to do all of this without bending his knees cos he had an operation on them recently. Saviour. Water stopped pumping. Then he went and got us a suction pump thing and we tried getting the water up and he drove across town to his son-in-law for a spare pipe and he cut the 2 burst pipes and fixed them.

I forgot to mention the 2 bedrooms. Yup, my sister's bedroom, and mine. My sttuuuuffff! Oh crap well the stuff in general was ok, though the beds (it used to be a shared room but even though all children are long since out of the house and each have their own abode (3 out of five in a different country) except for yours truly the bed numbers remained for return visits and admittedly the family is growing rather then reducing, as is normal with families particularly the Irish) were soaked and on that bed was darling Tommy the teddy, amazingly dry, still haven't figured out how, and my prize cushion of beautiful pictures of the lovely Reflections, Moloney and Daly and others in our Uni days up to this and that, well it's drying in front of a radiator now. Well anyway, the water seemed to LOVE my clothes, as in all of my clothes, bags, shoes and coats, yup amazingly fabulous coats, yes some of them are childrens but they still fit damn it and it's fecking Ted Baker, oh heart break. Anyway, I'm sure they'll wash ok, though my clothes aren't bought for function and definitely none of those coats had seen water previously and I'm not sure they were a fan, but I'll find that out soon enough.

So that night we headed over to my sista (the one in the Republic) & stayed there. It was a Saturday, so no plumbers or insurance company was available also we didn't need a plumber because of Ray the Amazing. Well we stayed with Geri and on Saturday there was a bit of tidy up but we also watched a film and relaxed, and then on Monday the insurance person came over. She was lovely and just took everything down and was like we'll send in our peeps unless you have some you'd prefer and yada yada yada, don't worry! (FBD in case you're wondering.) So we started packing up things though we have to make a list of them and then we heard this crashing kerplunk type sound and thought what the hell was that?? It was the ceiling of our living room meeting the floor.

So then we decided to stop focusing on Adrienne's room and empty the living room... 30 minutes or so later with no sound of a warning (you see I thought there's be a creaking or something) another chunk of the ceiling fell, just where dad and I had been standing, as in I saw his camera walked over to it (3 steps away) and crash. This brought with it the light which smashed exactly where I had just been standing... scary.

Well as you can imagine its all a bit of a mess. We've emptied the rooms into other rooms and I'm staying with Geri, and today I'm packing living room into plastic boxes and other exciting things...

As Dolly always says: If you want the rainbows you gotta put up with the rain - I didn't know she was being literal

Monday, December 13, 2010


one way to increase blog readers at this time of year is to name one's most recent blog post "Christmas" is a genius.

so,i was also inspired to write this blog whilst listening to christmas FM,and thinking about how much i have to do before the big day.but slight problemo in that im broke,broke to the hole.soooo im thinking handmade presents this year,because im a dab hand with a bit of paint,lollipop sticks and double sided sticky tape (having been reared by Mary Fitzgerald.......practically.)

so present list:
Mammy Musings:a painting of myself,complete with cardboard frame made from cereal box.

Daddy Musings:a keyring made from pasta and PVA glue,complete with miniature photo of me.

Sister Musings: a recording of my various songs,including robbie williams "angels" and the recent "boob state of mind" plus a previously unheard recording of "the love hole"(to the tune of the love boat)

Max Musings(Dog):a dog biscuit robbed from the press,wrapped in a printed Christmas photo of me.

Daly: a recording of my Christmas album of religious hymns, my copy of "The Secret" (because if you imagine Christmas miracles they do come true) and a dildo made of lollipop sticks.

Reflections: a bottle of my "special secret brew"......90% proof

Moloney: a papier mache photo album of photos from our trip to Asia, made up of photos of me only.

Homies(girls from home,not homosexuals):a hug.......

The posse(nuns I live with):a downloaded copy of boogie nights and my recording of frosty the pervert.

Myself:some me a hairdressers....getting my hair done......and some new clothes....and shoes.......and i need to go to the dentist....
OOOH, and a surprise.

Because nothing says i love you to friends and family like gifts involving me.......

Monday, November 29, 2010

holy moses batman.........

this shall henceforth be a two part blog post.............
the first part shall be a retort to daly's blog on her recent trip to see the new Harry Potter(with yours truly)
the second part shall refer to the title of this blog post,in which i almost got recruited by overly zealous religious youth and have only just recovered enough to write about my ordeal.......

sooooo,i made the trip over to the lovely Edinburgh to see Daly!(thank you €22 ryanair flight!)whoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoop.
there was wine and song and much loudness,so much so that Daly can no longer go back to a certain pub....or restaurant.....ahem......jeez,if they cant take a joke(or two friends who havent seen each other in ages and like to laugh uncontrollably at rude,dirty and inappropriate things).

We also queued(ridiculously early) to see the new Harry Potter!
Now,i have read the books and remember the majority of the story,but im not going to remember the insy weensy details like Ciara "photographic memory" Daly..........
so i was not bothered that they left out parts,i realy enjoyed the film and it meant 2 and half hours of complete escapism(to a world where i could be a witch and where gingers are attractive).......
ah to be 50 years younger eh,i would SO tap that.............mmmmmmmmm.

And so,to the second part of the escape from the religious loons.
I can only think the reason i avoided their brainwashing was through the sheer filthiness of my own mind.
I came across the cult whilst having dinner in the same vicinity..............i had wine and reacted the only way i know routing the conversation to be about myself and by being sarcastic.

Afterwards i felt an incredible urge to do something illegal........and dirty.........and wrong............
maybe i shall wait for a reflections-musings-daly-moloney reunion for that...........ladies,ye're mission should ye choose to accept it............................

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It might be the champagne but...

How to explain? How to explain? Well I love my darling musings. I really do. In so many ways and for so many reasons. I love the way she has a fantastic laugh, I think we so often associate a good laugh as being hearty and long and yet a short, almost sarcastic laugh can be just as invoking... that's musings. She's just fun and funny, clever but not serious and... loves a drink but not a drunk!
As for Daly... yes we mention her and we have based this whole blog about her, if you didn't know you should... We didn't know she had a blog, as we are partial to mocking (anything) she didn't want us to know and once we found out we thought what can we do to Daly for having a secret blog and we realized we could create a blog that summarizes Daly's blog so that we created a blog that basically does what Daly's blog does but quicker...
Well anyway Daly... Daly is... hmm to explain. We are cruel to her, have an ongoing joke... actually millions of them about everything about her. But the thing is well no one else would take it and I don't mean that only she is fool enough to take it... no it's not only that she can laugh (full and hearty as it happens, like yours truly) but that Daly can make you laugh. She makes you laugh till you snort, till you cry, till you pee yourself. She has this ability to never ask you for anything and yet to always want to give her everything. She is sincere, generous, funny, genuine, caring, funny and well just Daly, what more could anyone want?
The truth is we had all these plans, all these jokes and well Daly made it, she did what none of us did, as quickly (I still have hope) but only cos she really really deserves it, she got her dream job and still works it.

Basically all this jabbering... sadness, drinking, emotional..? Or just to explain...and wait for it. I don't feel jealous, or angry or or or... I don't know..

Basically currently I hate my job, have an eye problem (the eyeball is fine just the skin around it so the doctor was like ummm here's a specialist's number), am getting over food poisoning, and have well ummm that, I don't know if ye remember (maybe I only told reflections cos I only remember her reaction) but I still have that thing on my breast that I never did anything about, never got round to going to a doctor, always thought it would go down and the doctor said (before ye get scared)) it's nothing to worry about but finally just went to the doc and well.... as ye can guess, I'm a stressed little mofo...

this has become a sob fest. All I wanted to do was say is:

I love Musings and Daly. Love them both. We've had so much fun over the years and it continues on (and long may it last). And I can't even hope to explain I am not jealous, or angry or anything like that... I just I am so happy, genuinely happy, that they're meeting up, I know how much fun they're going to have and I'm glad cos I know how much they both deserve it and have earned it. And I really do love them so much and I really can't help feeling a little self pity (that's too strong a word), but a I feel happy for them and a little sad for me that I won't be there.

So in a weird way, I guess, with no plans for this piece, I just wanted to say, have a great time. I know ye will. Fill ye're whole weekend with stories only fit for the best of the stories that we've compiled over the last few years.

I love ye both and enjoy ye're weekend, and hey, I'll be seeing Harry Potter on Friday and surely Daly will have comments on her blog about it and well then the conversation will truly begin!

Monday, November 15, 2010

The one where I go on holidays.........

i confess,it has been three months since my last holiday.........
so this week,i am off to Edinburgh,to see Daly!
i wonder if i could put it down as a working holiday,daly being the source of much of our blog........maybe get expenses...........must confer with my partner in crime........reflections?

so last year,being a slow holiday year,i aimed to get in five holidays in trip to Edinburgh shall be my fourth holiday,so im going to have to fit in a sneaky holiday before the end of the year in order to fulfill the promise of five holidays that i made to myself.And i'd hate to let myself down........

Though,i did visit three different countries on the last holiday(did i mention it was in South East Asia?)so im undecided as to whether i should add that to my holiday tally...........
if i did add it,that would mean that i went on six holidays this year,and that just sounds a bit pretentious..........just because i was on like three different continents or whatever,im still down with the recession and people only being able to afford like one holiday to Spain or something.

Also,i've been working now for like 6 weeks or something atrocious like that,without a break so am in dire need of a city break.

Even better,i get to observe Daly in her natural habitat........which shall be later compiled ala David Attenborough style documentary and blogged.........("and so the male mounts the female"......................).

Its great that with good friends you know,no matter how long its been since you have seen them that within 20 seconds its like you have never been apart and are talking about life/trying to give each other wedgies/discussing nuclear science(poo is nuclear,right?).

And we are going to see the new Harry Potter!
I wonder if Daly is open to bringing a bottle of wine into the cinema............?
Also,how cold is it in Edinburgh at the moment?
Thermal granny underpantaloons?yay or nay?

ah,the dilemma's of a jet setting lifestyle..........................

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

a musing reflection on writing about stuff........

sooooo,it has been again an age since we last posted.
its not because our lives havent been filled with wonderment and excitement.......or because daly hasnt updated her blog(she has,twice.....she loves her iphone and sundays) but its just that my partner and i have a propensity to lose interest in things after a while...........caus we are soooooo
busy,having moved on to the next thing.......obviously.

things we have previously lost interest in:
-going to lectures/college in general when there wasnt an alcoholic beverage involved
-writing an angry letter to cadburys about the decreasing size of creme eggs(there was an alcoholic beverage involved)
-learning a new language(that year spent learning Italian.....ciao,lasagne)
-certain boys(nosebleed guy and an italian lothario to name a few)

though of course there are things that have kept our interest over the years
-home and away(cept for that one time when they had that really stupid story line that went on for months about who was the baby daddy and angie gave him the letter to say he was the dad and he ripped it up,HE RIPPED IT UP,after 9mths of a story still infuriates me)
-holding grudges(not me does suit me,biatches)
-certain friendships(ciara smells)

and of course writing.
personally i have kept a diary from a young age and have seen my writing skills develop from writing about how i hated everyone(i was a dramatic youth) to my greatest work so far: "Truth and Reconciliations Commissions,gender based violence in East Timor".............

stay tuned for my upcoming works:
-a trail of glitter and blood(my autobiography/crime novel)
-the beautiful narcissist(my biography of Ciara M.Daly)
-an as yet unnamed erotic novella ,co-wrote with my partner

its good to write............

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

long time coming

it has been a while since an update...due to top secret spy stuff obviously and would have to kill everyone if the secret was revealed....that would mean our two readers would be d.e.d.......dead.

though daly did go see eat pray love but didnt review it....yet she wrote about it,but said that it wasnt worthy of a that not in itself a she has a picture up of that guy from the ateam...........i pity the fool who doesnt see the connection there........
im confused........*head hurting*

whilst trying to keep busy my pal reflections and i have been trying to think of inappropriate places to drink wine,or appropriate places to drink wine but its frowned upon.......
so who knew the cinema would be a good place,i mean i cant believe we didnt think of it earlier.i cant help but think that eat pray love would have be slightly more tolerable.

we did go to see "the other guys"..........not sure if it was the wine or not but it made me laugh......possibly louder than everyone else in the cinema,other that my partner in crime.
also,handy tip if you are going to drink wine in the cinema..........bring straws........though things get awkward when it drops into the bottle but by that stage u dont care!

i also managed to provide my partner with some chuckles also when after refusing to handle the cinema bathroom door (caus of the cooties)i almost hit myself in the face with the door.........

so next inappropriate place to drink wine..........on a bike?any tips are welcome!
we shall see................there could be some points to concern ourselves with like trying to manoeuvre the bike on the road and the wine to our lips......i feel our friend mr straw might come into play.....

also have learned two new fave phrases over the past few weeks:
"high ten" where u do a high five but with both hands(ingenious)
"shake your willy caus this pissing match is over"(from "the other guys")

i love to learn.

Monday, September 27, 2010


my last holiday post on thailand,only about 3wks later,can be summed up in a few words:
-full moon party
-pink eye

and thus was thailand.......fill in the blanks around the words if you want to and thats exactly what happened.

a lasting memory of thailand is the full moon party,of course,gorgeous beaches,seeing some elephants.but its also where we got ripped off the most,got pink eye and met a really scary lady boy!
things i learnt whilst in thailand:
a sleeper train does not mean that u will actually get any sleep.
u can get pink eye from having a shower in the jungle
a monkey should never wear make-up(unfortunate trip to a "safari")
that you can meet really cool people,and slightly mental people(the guy that just loved evil?)
u can have a really great sweet n sour chicken on top of a mountain
dont get in the water at the full moon party caus everybody does their toilet business in there
the only way to tell if its a lady boy is by their jaw-line,everything has been removed and replaced.

it was still a great country but been there,done that,bought the full moon party teeshirt!

the fact that its 3wks since i've come back leaves me utterly miserable!possibly combined with the howling wind outside,it certainly doesnt help!
but i suppose one has to get back to reality,stone cold reality..............poo.
and my vitamin D levels are at an all time low because of the lack of sunshine!and for some reason nobody feels sorry for me being back,because i got to go away in the first place!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Daly saw that new Drew Barrymore film, the one with her husband, who's finally not playing teenagers anymore (though who always has my respect since he was in Galaxy Quest... if you haven't seen Galaxy Quest, I suggest you stop reading and go see it, this will still be here when you're done). Anyway, she liked it, so did the person she went with.

She also asked the question what is brunch when it is after lunchtime Binner or trunch? the answer is... well what exact time did she have it. Brunch goes till 4pm, so after 4pm it's just a case of having french toast for tea... or dinner sorry I just fell asleep writing this I got so bored. My humblest apologies.

before this, as my compadre noted, Daly went through a list of things she loved and apparently we're not on it. Not that I care... I don't care, stop asking me if i care jeese get of my case why would i mind...

Ok so here it is, after a lovely year in Canada, land of polar bears (didn't see any) and maple syrup (man I LOVE maple syrup and yes I even went to a maple farm and saw how it was made but most importantly bought a bottle of the best fecking syrup I have ever tasted), I am now home. I came home for a Christening and then found out my application for a visa was denied and I ummm... well I cried, cos I was sooo sad about it and I loved Canada and my sister sat awkwardly and said shit, ummm shit, I'm shit at this kind of thing... do you want wine? Let's order indian food and have some wine... so we did.

Anywho I rang work to tell them and it was a very short conversation cos I really really thought I was going to cry and I managed not to tell them that I ordered them the present of a kettle (since everyone drank so much coffee and tea) so one of these days they'll receive their mistery kettle, which should be nice.

It is nice to be so close to friends. Here is a basic run down of my first two weeks at home (I'm not going to get too into it)
2nd got home
3rd surprised sister for her birthday (went out and met Henry)
4th family dinner
5th went up north (Banbridge) with sister and new baby
stayed helping and bonding and cooking etc.
12th christening, saw all family
13th met Helen at International Bar (Dublin)
14th went to Waterford to see Trina & Karen
15th back to Dublin Family day (tea, food, tea, film, tea)
16th met up with Jen Carroll
17th Horrible Day of horribleness was at geri's and found out about visa
18th went to tullamore to see Jenny and Eithne
19th Train to Limerick, met Musings, car to New Port met Maz, saw guy who's car with baby in it got stolen (he parked car, locked it, walked away then checked it was locked, guess that's his future) then to pub for free drinks ala Maloney clan
20th Had great time with musings bonding with Mammy Daly who loves us more than Daly, oh the fun times and frolics we had, Limerick with musings, bus back to Dub, out to Blanch to see Davi's band and hang with Jen and Mel.
21st applied for jobs.

So I'm really tired right now and enjoying the house to myself though its crap that I haven't been home yet (Ballyc being home since it has 1. my bed and 2. my stuff). Mammy reflection's laptop is broken, so is mine, so no internet available at home so I have to stay here to apply for jobs... sigh.

I hate looking for work.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Having noted to my blog partner that the blog has become less about daly and more about our own lives,i feel now after reading her latest blog entry that she deserves even less discussion time for not having included her bf's on her list of favourite things......other than a brief mention.....

"It goes without saying that some family and all friends are among the things I love but detailing this would definitely be overwhelmingly dull. They’re great, good for them. (Oh dear, it appears that even when contemplating lovely things, my sarcasm is inherent.)"...............

Dull?!!!!!!!Dull?!!!!!!i was just in asia.......dull my hole.

Ahem.......anyhew,this brings me nicely back to the main focus of the blog, Laos.

After the craziness that was vietnam,laos definitely had a more chilled out pace.we could have taken the 30 hour bus journey from hanoi,but as my travelling companion HATES buses we flew into the capital,Vientiane instead,which took an hour.........

though there was some hysteria/uncontrollable laughter when we saw the was one of those teeny ones that fits about 20 people,and we were sitting near the propellers......u could almost spot the guy on the bike powering said times!
but when compared to the hellish 30hr bus journey that we would have experienced,it was possibly the safest option!

so the day after arriving we decided to be all cultural and the like and go check out some of the temples,whilst bearing in mind some of the cultural etiquette that one is supposed to keep whilst in laos.............
-dont point your feet at anyone or turn your foot up at anyone,this is the equivalent of flipping the finger and always take your shoes off when entering a building
-dont touch anyone on the head(*tap,tap*)
-dont touch a monk if you are a women,this would lead to unpleasantness for the monk i'd imagine
-no bikini's or hot pants in the temples(rather upsetting)
-no public display of affection(does licking your travelling companion's face count as
These are the main ones i can remember,and i think we managed not to insult anyone!

The capital itself has some really cool architecture,and even has its own arc de triomphe!but when you've seen one temple,you've kinda seen them all!cultured,i know!

Our next stop was vang vieng,backpacker central!a place where episodes of friends and family guy are shown in every pub......which may seem tacky and western.......but i like family guy!
also the main reason we were here was to go TUBING!an activity which consists of floating down the river on said tube and being pulled in to the bars along the was a little bit apprehensive at first considering i cant swim and refused to wear a life-jacket caus i would look uncool.
I immediately began to regret not wearing a life-jacket when i drifted towards some reeds,almost fell out of my tube and banged my ass off a rock....................
but after being pulled into the first pub,my worries melted away and several pubs later after getting lost from my travelling companion and our new bf's,tom and jane,i was nonplussed and merely pulled in on the other side of the river,found a foot bridge and rejoined my amigos!after a long day of drinking and trying not to drown,we returned back to the town where we watched family guy and ate pizza!well after submerging oneself in culture all day u need some non-cultured stuff!
all in all,we loved laos,and met some pretty cool peeps along the way,and didnt drown whilst tubing!success!

next stop......full moon party!

Friday, September 10, 2010

loved u long time vietnam

Our arrival in vietnam was not a smooth one,though eventually we came to love the country,at first we thought we were going to die,never to be seen again,sold to sex traffickers or at worst,have to become someones wife........
we arrived at the airport in hanoi,without much hassle and having pre-booked the hotel in hanoi,i thought that we could get a transfer to the hotel,no probs right?wrong.
when we came out of the airport there were the usual taxi touts,and one guy claimed to work for the hotel that we were staying in........................
after much discussion myself and my travelling companion decided,fuck it,lets just go with him.
what proceeded was the scariest car journey i have ever experienced,drivers in hanoi(and asia in general) are CRAZY!!!
I tried to keep my eyes open for some part of the journey just incase he was indeed a sex trafficker so that we could maybe jump outa the car and make our way back to the airport.
this scary driving,combined with the fact that we werent sure if he was indeed going to take us back to the hotel did not a fun drive make.
but,in fairness he dropped us outside the hotel,where we were greeted by the hotel manager,mr sun........i think we possibly were still shaking from the car journey,and had broken out in a cold sweat,so he made us some tea.........disgusting "tea" but the sentiment was appreciated all the same.
and we even managed to leave our hotel room,and it was dark!when you are hungry,u will do what it takes!
we came to realise that hanoi was very safe,a mental place,but had a cool vibe!any of the photos that we took just didnt depict the traffic chaos,but by day 3 we were super street smart and could spot the newly arrived tourists from a mile off as they tried to figure out how to cross the road!
we also spent two days in halong bay which was so peaceful after the craziness that is hanoi.and our tour guide duc(pronounced dic) who's basic grasp of english provided much amusement to my travelling companion and i("everybody renax"(relax),aswel as his stories about sex education and love in vietnam.......
his efforts to set up a french 8 yr old boy with his 6yr old daughter was quite funny,as wel as his general views on life....."if you more than 100m away from your wife then you single"............
that night on the boat was also a near death experience as there was really bad lightening,and apparently a typhoon..........cue hysteria on the part of me and my travelling companion.the hysteria could have been brought on by the hunger,having refused to eat anything other than rice on the boat.......awkward,moi?
also we were like celebrities in vietnam,think it was the paleness.........but everywhere we went we were stared at.........talked about.........and surrounded by children who found us fascinating.......wish people would have the same opinion back at home..........
also,vietnam is a place where the women do all the work and the men sit around drinking beer??
so a bad place to be if u were forced to become someones wife..........

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

catching up......

okay,there have been way too many blog posts by daly while i was away so i shall just summarise......
daly went to the fringe,had a great time,was busy at work,has a vendetta against double spaces and ummm,has read some books.........
i think i have a valid excuse for not writing before now,being in asia and all.i hope to capture the trip in all its pink eyed glory over the next while,mainly caus im now back to blissful unemployment and now have alot of time on my hands.....
so im thinking of 3 blogs,vietnam,laos and thailand......cataloging each trip,and musing on how many times we mentioned daly on our trip,most notably the time we almost missed our train to bangkok but managed to arrive 2mins before the gate closed and we were like "daly would never be able to com on holidays with us"...........caus she would be there 2 hours beforehand......
i shall try to muse on my time in asia,where i spent the month trying to "find myself" but ended up just getting drunk,but if u cant find yourself when drunk,when can u........

also on a literary note,i managed to get in a spot of reading.....mainly caus we went on alot of long journeys......
the one i am most proud of was finishing "the reader" in 2hrs......much to my travelling partner's it took her a week.......
if i am musings,my partner is reflections,our inspiration is daly,then my travelling partner shall be referred to lover?
im sure many people thought that we were indeed lesbians over the trip.......i mean if u cant lick ur friends face platonically well then i just dont know!

so i shall try and gather the memories of the trip,though they are already getting a bit hazy...........

Friday, August 13, 2010

Reflecting Upon the merits of reading... ok not really, here I read some stuff tho'... fo'sho'

Ahhh my darling darling friends... Musings, first an apology, I too have neglected summarizing Daly's blog... a damned shame! Daly, though I have failed to summarize your jaunts, I have never failed to read about them and felt pangs of envy but mostly nostalgia at the remembrance of our trips through the fringe and of course our friends, The Penny Dreadfuls.

Alas, why such prose? I've been doing well with my literary challenge! Yup, I just finished Jane Eyre, which was great, seriously half way through I thought OMG you guys she is totally not going to end up with this Rochester fella and thought it was sooooo frikkin cool of Charlie Bronte to be so forward thinkin, for her time like, but then I read on and was like yeh deadly they're totally goin to hook up and I was pure glad.

So that was a good read, then I leaned over my bed (I have the books I have to read on the floor and they are only placed on my shelf upon their completion). I picked up Little Women and thought umm maybe and then I was like, what's that blue one under there and picked up W.B. Yeat's plays, horrified I replaced this immediately and decided to read Little Women, I had picked it up first, after all. Anywho I'm not even half way through Little Women yet and I have already laughed and cried, the laughing out loud, the crying, on my bed tears rolling down my cheeks at the idea of the old man missing his granddaughter... sniff, so yeah, it's a great book I started it today and will probably finish it tomorrow then I don't know what I'll read, do I start in on the Quran or do I leave that until the end... no idea.

I'm going to Montreal on Wednesday, I can't wait, basically I'm starving myself and doing nothing to ensure I can shop, drink and eat brunch when I get there. (Hancock wants to shop, Fleming to drink and I to brunch, well obviously we all want to do all three but primarily I'm about pain perdu, nahmeeeen, as that girl said in Scary Movie 2 or 1, when she goes to University and she's being taught to be tougher... you know what I'm talking about, I think they're sitting at a fountain... "that jacket is tight, yo"... anywhooooo

I bought little Lucy a denim jacket... as her godmother I see it as my duty to ensure that she is cool, you can't start on this soon enough!
Ok so off I go to discover what the Pickwick Club have written and place Jane Eyre on its earned space on my shelf.



okay so,one has gotten slightly sidetracked about bloging daly's blog...........quick update.......daly goes to fringe fest,has a great time,ponders over various aspects......
but back to me.....
my own personal blog on daly's blog and indeed my literary challange has now been pushed aside by the fact that i am now in asia.....though i have been ploughing through the girl with the dragon tattoo and its quite good for passing away a few hours on an air asia flight!

so ya,asia,eh?
we have done 5 airports in 5 days,its like having a rock n roll lifestyle,jetting from one place to the other but without the rock n roll,sex and drugs,.....for now at least!
so dublin to abu dhabi to bangkok to ho chi minh city to hanoi.......this travelling malarky is exhausting.

we didnt see much of abu dhabi,very sandy from what i could see on from the plane/airport,we were just glad to get off the plane,as lets just say an irish guy two rows up from us has drank alot of guinness/ate a lot of beans.............not pleasant!
it was also ramahdan in abu dhabi so we felt a bit scared to do anything out of place like eat,drink, women.

then to bangkok........we basically napped for the entire time we were there but we are gona tap that on the way back!

and for the moment hanoi,in vietnam where facebook is inaccessible and the city is mental.....
actually a good way!

tomorrow sight seeing the shit out of it to make the most of our time!
until then.....


Monday, August 2, 2010

Daly's challenged..........musings part.1

soooooo,i read the first book in my version of daly's challanged.......mills&boon, " a colby christmas" it in about two hours.......
now,i wasnt flicking through the pages to get to the raunchy parts or anything......(of which there were few).......
i have to say,i was disappointed by the lack of intercourses in this book....there were no throbbing members and there were no heaving bosoms.....i mean i could just have read a regular book......and where's the fun in that?
though there were a few innuendo's(in.ur.endos).......which all symbolised erections,something about all the blood rushing to one spot....i mean,seriously.......
i give this book a "C-" im afraid *could have done better*

also in daly's newest blog she bemoans people who get things is she hating on herself then?
because daly is the person who has things organised 15 years in advance.......when she was going to toronto she had packed two weeks beforehand,and i know that she had planned what she was going to pack about a month in advance before she actually gave in to the packing.
im sure she had to hold herself back,repress the urge not to possibly brought her out in cold sweats......sleepless nights also possibly.

also,why is there a random irish word thrown in the blog, it has no place a prom night baby in a dumpster,there are better places for it.but she does admit that this is an aimless meander......meadering aimlessly through the blog wilderness of aimless meanders...........
but i digress.......

in the final note,she asks
"is it better to be busy and productive or to live in a controlled environment with the ability to say no…it’s a toughie"........

my head begins to ache at the thought of trying to figure this one out........
by controlled environment does she mean like,a cage?

can cage fighters say no?is it in their vocabulary after one too many hits to the noggin?
but are cage fighters not busy and productive,rolling out punches everynight?

ah,these morality questions......they make u think.....


Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's not fair, I want a book challenge too

So after reading Musings' blog I decided I too needed a book challenge. I've been meaning to read everything on my shelf (I, like Daly, buy more than I can keep up with book-wise). I've got until the 2nd of October... and I don't have Fringe, or a whirlwind trip through Asia but I do have a job with really messed up hours (did 5am-2pm today and 8am-2pm tomorrow), will have a brief jaunt in Montreal and have the possibility of being deported looming over my head (and will probably have a deportation in the middle of the challenge)... sigh). So here are my list of books, including books that I have previously started and not finished.

The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini
The Art of War Sun Tzu (I started this and thought it would be a thought provoking interesting read turned out it's a ye olde self-help book)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain
J.M. Barrie and the Lost Boys Andrew Birkin (School book I never managed to finish, by school I mean (I've been in Canada too long) University).
Little Women Louisa May Alcott
Beside Myself Antonyn Sher (Going to Canada gift from Clodagh, really should have read this already).
Sweet Francais (Book 2 Dolce) Irene Nemirovsky (In fairness I read the first book, don't know why I didn't continue but I look forward to it).
Hotel Rwanda edited by Terry George (I haven't seen the film)
Mark Twain on Travel edited by Terry Mort (what's with the Terry's and their editing?)
The Playwright's Workbook Jean-Claude van Itallie (This should be a text book... it isn't).
Miss Julie August Strindberg
Impro Keith Johnstone (also of my own volition)
Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte (I have started this three times but lost the book twice while travelling then this year managed just not to continue)
The Quaran translated by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan (Ah shite why did I take the free Quaran...)
*Ladies of Liberty Cokie Roberts (I know what you're thinking, a trashy book... I wish! It's a historical book on the wives of the early presidents of the U.S., it was a horrible read, it presumes you already know the history (I haven't a clue) and it's not chronological so it's really hard to keep up, ahhhh crud).

I shall also read Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte because it is my favourite book and it is time to read it again.

I also have 2 anthologies on my shelf (feck feck feck)
Postcolonial Plays edited by Terry... ok I lie Helen Gilbert (I'm happy to report that all the plays from this have been fantastic and I asked my parents to send me this since I had studied many of them and I wanted to read the rest, so this a two-bird one stone moment).
Once upon Four Robbers Femi Osofisan
Anowa Ama Ata Aidoo
QPH Sistren Theatre Collective
1984 Here and Now Kee Thuan Chye
Details Cannot Body Want Chin Woon Ping
Nga Pou Wahine Briar Grace-Smith
The Conversation of Ka'ahumanu Victoria Nalani Kneubuhl
Tomson Highway The Rez Sisters
Fronteras Americanas (American Borders) Guillermo Verdecchia
Somewhere Over the Rainbow Charabanc Theatre Company


Selected Plays by W.B. Yeats (great poet, not so hot playwright... sigh).
The Shadowy Waters
The Hour-Glass

On Baile's Strand
The Green Helmet
At Hawk's Well
The Dreaming of the Bones
The Cat and the Moon
The Only Jealousy of Emer
Sophocles' King Oedipus
The Resurrection
The Words upon the Window-Pane
The King of the Great Clock Tower
The Herne's Egg
The Death of Cuchulain

Before I start any of these I must finish the book I am currently reading. Ok while searching for current book for the author (The Way of Herodotus being the title) I found another book. Also have lost The Way of Herodotus so that shall be finished when I find it. *I've added other book to end of list (begrudgingly, I considered leaving it).

Oh yeah Daly did a review of The A-Team... she's a complete girl and loves Bradley Cooper and feels the end wasn't realisitic, which implies she thinks flying a tank is realistic.

Daly's challenged..........

whilst musing over dalys last blog and indeed our own blog on her was inspired to take on a challange of one's own........

so recently i "acquired" two mills and boon books,"a south texas christmas" and "a colby christmas" well as a maeve binchy book,"the return journey"..........and a free copy of another book in cosmo called "operation sunshine".......

i also found a book i started 5 months ago(but cant get past chapter 2)"the girl with the dragon tattoo".......aswel as a diary of my travels that i kept from my first really big adventure,which im beginning to think might be more entertaining than the others........though it will probably read like a mills and boon novel anyway..........BOOM!

so can i read these books before daly has read hers?!she has reflected that the edinburgh fringe festival may interfere with the timely reading of these before the winner of the booker prize has been announced..........i'm not going to the fringe but i am going to asia....which is on the proverbial fringe of the world,if u may.......

also none of the books in my challenge are on the list of the booker prize.......though i feel that my own travel diary could make it on to the list some day.........

so there we go!
i probably should start with the book i have already started......but those mills and boon books are drawing me in,especially with a storyline about brad,who is locked in a skyscraper with a doe-eyed receptionist called elaine and FOUR MASKED MEN........*dramatic music*......

off i go on daly's challenge.......


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Daly's Challenged

Ready yourself folks cos this is the summary of not one, but two blog posts from Ms. C Daly, (she hates that people write Ms. by the way, I'm sure she thinks I forgot but firstly what right has anyone to know if a woman is married or not??? and more importantly this is a blog aimed at pissing off Daly).

Anywhooo Daly treated us to the list of books on the Booker long-list (for those of us reading her blog with no idea how to use google). She set herself the task of reading all the books on the list before the winner is announced. She's pretty non-committal about the whole thing to be honest, she basically says she might do it. She's 'contemplating' doing it and will 'start off with' a book she already owns and 'see how it goes'. Since the book she has is the last on the list (it's alphabetical by author), Daly's going to read it in reverse alphbetical order... seriously... ummm ok, I'm not going to comment I mean what can I say... that its nerdy, we're talking about someone who's doing the booker prize challenge.

or might.

Oh yeh the second post.
She remembers fringe is on and she won't have as much time to do the booker prize challenge.
But in this post she doesn't back down. So here is the nicest thing I'm ever going to say (write) to Daly.

You can do it. You can, I have full faith and I also think that while watching plays and listening to live Jazz take up time (did you see the capital J in jazz, it's there because that's an important word in that sentence) it will get you in a cultural mood and therefore give you the momentum to get this challenge done.

You can do it and I will beat you up if you don't. Obviously I won't beat you up, that's ridiculous, but I'll wedgy you like we did on your 21st, and I will make damn sure it will be a thong again.

Monday, July 26, 2010

In which we realised that daly's blogs all start with "in which"

so new musings & reflections on daly's blog post.......

i feel transported back to the 90's when each episode of friends started with "the one with" when i read daly's blog,where each blog post starts with "in which".......i like it!
its witty,preppy and i look forward to the next blog post "in which" she will muse on muddled miscellaneous musings.
and the fact that i just noticed she does this means that it's subtle,it sneaks up on herpes.
and i feel the notion will never quite leave me,much again,like herpes.

but back to the essence of the blog in which she reviews a book......something about a guy with ADHD........yada,yada,yada..........

i laughed at the bit where she said she wasnt being sarcastic(caus this is a lie),and i also had a good snigger at the part where he "examines himself"........but thats just me.....

i did pick up on the mention of cuba libre reminded me of the time i was in cuba.......though the first time i had a cuba libre was in brazil,i was on some island,ille grande i do believe............good times......

but back to the blog..........there are alot of words i dont understand and had to look up in my dictionary app,but yet i had anxiously awaited this blog,like i do the next, "in which" there shall be more miscellanous muddles of musing.......


Saturday, July 24, 2010

This is what Daly had to say.

Ahem, drum roll, so Daly has written about:

"So here we go!!!" : She doesn't know what she'll be writing about yet.

"In which I get my em dash nerd on..." : She loves 2 things, being right and the em dash. The em dash (though at no point does she use one so I'm still unsure what it is, I think it's this - could be wrong) is the best punctuation, the unicorn of punctuation because it is perfect. Semicolons are shite.

"In which I damn Shrek Forever After" : Outside of America people don't like sugary popcorn (this is true). Shrek Forever After is not the worst movie but its not that great, it shouldn't have been made (I saw Shrek 3 and I felt that was crap, so I presume Shrek 4 shouldn't have been made. Admittedly I am judging blindly I haven't seen it, it is unlikely that that will change). She summarizes the film noting that why is it so hard for men in movies to be tied down but apparently women don't feel like they've lost themselves when family life begins (word).

"In which I ask you what to blog about" : She asks what she should blog about, and mentions in the moments before sleep she had an epiphany for what the blog should be about and it would have been amazing but she doesn't remember.

"In which I celebrate my lack of creativity" : 'I'm not creative but I don't mind, even though writing a bog is creative' (at least she noticed). Creative people wow her, non-creative people should know their place. She is on the non-creative side of a creative business (Daly is a legal editor... I'm guessing that the editing is probably the most creative thing about law books, I've read some, they are NOT creative... sigh I hated law, I need chocolate to get me through the flashbacks currently running through my brain from Uni). She mentions thinking of herself as the stool that the bum of the writer sits on (Ev, quite rightly commented on being careful about putting bum and stool in such close proximity). She also mentioned the red pen of accuracy. (this sounds cool and even though I know it is only Daly's red pen probably bic, I still just think it sounds cool. I want one but not a bic one, the red pen of accuracy that is in my mind).

*So the bold stuff are my own comments and not part of Daly's blog. If you didn't realize this I hope you are drunk/hungover/tired (At least I'm giving you excuses there really isn't one).

**Don't you think Daly's Blog: Muddled Musings On Miscellaneous should have been called The Daly Blog... cos her name's Daly and its a blog and Daly and Daily it's a play on words don't cha know... no? Anyone? ahem.

How it all began or : The rise of the new stars of blogging and their wonderful fb chat on a warm Summer's eve

Sadly, we lost the beginning of the conversation where we decided to create a blog, merely summarizing Daly’s blog. About how could be piss off Daly, leave stupid comments on her blog? It would be entertaining yet, we felt we were capable of so much more… we created sock tennis after all. And so in the middle of the conversation (on facebook chat) I copied and pasted what was there but the beginning, beautiful, cheeky, borderline bullying (we love her really) is lost to our memories, can’t speak for Musings but mines terrible. So in my case it is lost forever. Here is what we left of the day this blog began:
Musings also have stolen the word musing from Daly's blog!
00:01Reflections bahahhahahhaha
lets steal it all well except talking about Shrek 4 cos Hell I did not go see that movie...
00:02 Musings I think we should do a synopsis of each of her blog posts, as our blog!

As well as our own witty musings.....

00:03Reflections Hahahaha amazing
00:04Musings a blog on blogging somebody elses


00:05Reflections This is PERFECT!

Ok I'm doing out layout right now

00:06Reflections I'm now making an account so we can advertise stuff on the blog and possibly make money from all the people who read our blog and then click on an ad
00:06 Musings im sooooo excited! I feel inspired already! I’m feeling creative, yet I’m not creative....yet im writing a name is Daly.

u are a genius!

00:06Reflections lol
00:07 Musings I’m gonna leave that to u because u have already started it, not that I cant do it....

I agree that I will not click on the Google ads I'm serving through AdSense.
I will not place ads on sites that include incentives to click on ads.
I agree that I can receive checks made out to the payee name I have listed above.
I will not place ads on sites involved in the distribution of copyrighted materials.
I will not place ads on sites that include pornographic content.
I certify that I have read the AdSense Program Policies.
I do not already have an approved AdSense account. (Click here if you do.)

you're agreeing to this too, ok?

00:09 Musings qui, I guess I could live without the porn.
sigh, it's a legitimate business, sigh

when will the world relaaaxx?

ummm the ads ummm stand out...

look at our main page




sips vodka in a celebratory fashion at a job well done

00:13Reflections hahahaha

sigh must get to the beer store*

for cider

00:17Reflections Musings what's your email I found where I can add you as a writer

umm I could go into my hotmail but something 69

never mind I'll find it so we don't get creeps writing to you

once I add this convo

oh right *&



maybe if u wish really hard, the alcohol fairy will leave some booze in ur wardrobe!

hah, 69 i wish!





though if u look at the figures it could work.....


hmm yeh, the beer store (its actual name and a state owned thing) isn't too far but its not on my bed, or in my wardrobe right now so its faarr


do u need my gmail acc?

not to make u feel bad but I can reach the martini from my bed....cosy!


No I don't I have added you it's official!




oooh,i made a post!

rather excited!


oooh I commented on your post

Hmmm should we send the link to Daly?


I accepted the invitation, so I am officially an author!




We so have to send her the link!

She’ll be raging and delighted!

Mostly bitter.


Consider it done!


We should have done this years ago, but like I busy.


I know it’s perfect

We can write stuff and you can tell us about your holliers

It'll be ace, hip to the groove man, I'll update if I ever do anything of interest


and I can put up the country and western song we wrote aaaaaages ago, that I found the other day!


Oooh do it do it!


u know our lives are super interesting....


its true who else could create sock tennis?


do u think we could make it on Oprah before she finishes up?


Bet they wouldn't have rackets as cool as outs

We can try doddamit!


well, I don’t know of anybody else that’s fo sho!


or goddammit

ah sure dodamit is grand!

maybe once people hear our amazing songs we'll get on...

booo Daly is probs in bed sigh


Hmmmm cider need growing

My friend has grey goose but I can't afford to replace, a good reason for people to click on amazing ads... Hmm we should ad more interests to our list so that people will click on interest and join our blog


can you add a picture of us? I can't I only have them on fb

You go to design in the top right corner

Then click on ad gadget I'm thinking bottom left and under adsense and then pick your gadget as pictures and then you just upload a picture

maybe once people hear our amazing songs we'll get on...

booo Daly is probs in bed sigh



and I can bring back phrases like "fo sho"

and bring the phrase "ass-hag" into mainstream society

ooooh, I think I hear my phone ringing, is that dolly parton on the line.....


OMG, I know what we need to include, our parody of boob state of mind!


right I thought that after that night Dolly rang you all the time...

umm you should upload boob state of mind, BEST. SONG. EVER.


I know, I’m like ur not the only one who works 9-5.

dya think uploading it would work on our blog?

eeeee,"our blog"!!!


I hope so, I'm sure there's a gadget for it

I know whoop whoop"

damn that was meant to be a !


hah! That happened to me earlier, but I say we can use punctuation whatever way the heck we want on it%%


damn right*\\\\/\.


also, I like the way our adds are all human rightsy.

ahem, ads^


I just updated facebook to include our blog in my websites

yeh its perfect I own 2 pairs of Toms you know


oooh I saw the link to Daly!

hay, I’m all about the human rights....gender based violence in east timor anyone.....

maybe I should put an excerpt on our blog!


ummm ok but it has to be an external link unless Daly starts adding bits of her thesis but then everyone has to listen to me harp on about Aussie theatre


hah! true, but just think on what peeps are missing out on!


I know I know also if we had that stuff on there ppl would click on the links and we could makes the dollahs


which means that we could just spend our lives travelling like we always wanted, write about it, make more,eh?!!!


yeh a travel blog would be cool and very us, we'd have such a good time and and and... dreaming

It seems to be the only option



well it works for me!


me too, done and done


oooh,it would be like eat, pray, love but eat, blog, love.....


drink, puke, love

nope drink , snuggle, love


drink, bone, puke.


drink, puke, drink


drink, drive, rub each other....



drink, do unmentionable things to neighbours garden, memory loss


ah, I still cant drive down that road without remembering that night!


drink, an pucan day, drink, never let Daly forget what she missed....



drink, get kicked out for Corrie, drink

be sober, go back in time to the famine, drink later!


hmm time is running out for me to get to the beer store so I have to go, I love you but I need me cider, strongbow since they don't have magners, just preparing for homelessness


spare not a thought for me young m*^♥e! get thee to a liquor store!!

*turns out the beer store doesn't sell anything but beer, guess it makes grammatical sense but it was annoying because the LCBO is like a whole 5 extra yards. sigh.

it seems like everyone has done a parody of jay-z and alicia keys "empire state of mind".......
heres ours,its called "new boobs"......

(this goes to along to the chorus,aka alicia's bit)

silicone is what boobs are made of,
theres nothing you cant do
when you have new boooooooooobs
those boobs are brand new
big boobs will inspire you
now u have new boobs,new boobs,new boooooooobs.........

one bra in the air for the two boobies,
street lights,big boobs all looking pretty,
no other chest in the world can compare,
put your arms up in the air and say


Friday, July 23, 2010

as my partner in crime heads off to the liquer store im left to ponder the precise particulars of pensivity.......

which direction to go in?
should we put up the country&western song we wrote about our love for cowboys......surely bringing with it fame,untold riches and a spot on oprah(though time is running out for that).

should we put up samples of our tales for children in the making,such as "the alcohol fairy" and the "adventures of pirate man at chateau de mank".......

or what about musings on the secret underground organisation that im vice-president of-"s.w.a.m.w.a.b"
(single women against men who are bastards).......

i've said too much........
let it be put on the record that i wanted to call the blog the precise particulars of the penis........
it could have been a metaphor for the wonderous instument that this blog shall arise to be......
namely, a blog for bugging our friend ciara........much like a penis would.

so its agreed,it shall be a blog about a blog,blogging a blog if you
ooooh,an uber blog.

and also an insight into the musings of two minds mused together with musing muses after spending years saying that we would do something,but oooooh,we were so busy.......
*takes a swig of vodka*...........

so,to ciara.........we loves ya!
Whoop Whoop I'm in the account as we speak! Wow best blog ever!

precise particulars of pensivity

Umm this is a blog for Babs and Ev to bother Ciara, I mean share our random clever musings with the world, not at all something to be done on a whim and forgotten about... would we ever???