Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Daly's Challenged

Ready yourself folks cos this is the summary of not one, but two blog posts from Ms. C Daly, (she hates that people write Ms. by the way, I'm sure she thinks I forgot but firstly what right has anyone to know if a woman is married or not??? and more importantly this is a blog aimed at pissing off Daly).

Anywhooo Daly treated us to the list of books on the Booker long-list (for those of us reading her blog with no idea how to use google). She set herself the task of reading all the books on the list before the winner is announced. She's pretty non-committal about the whole thing to be honest, she basically says she might do it. She's 'contemplating' doing it and will 'start off with' a book she already owns and 'see how it goes'. Since the book she has is the last on the list (it's alphabetical by author), Daly's going to read it in reverse alphbetical order... seriously... ummm ok, I'm not going to comment I mean what can I say... that its nerdy, we're talking about someone who's doing the booker prize challenge.

or might.

Oh yeh the second post.
She remembers fringe is on and she won't have as much time to do the booker prize challenge.
But in this post she doesn't back down. So here is the nicest thing I'm ever going to say (write) to Daly.

You can do it. You can, I have full faith and I also think that while watching plays and listening to live Jazz take up time (did you see the capital J in jazz, it's there because that's an important word in that sentence) it will get you in a cultural mood and therefore give you the momentum to get this challenge done.

You can do it and I will beat you up if you don't. Obviously I won't beat you up, that's ridiculous, but I'll wedgy you like we did on your 21st, and I will make damn sure it will be a thong again.

1 comment:

  1. This blog was started in order to piss me off?? I thought it was because ye love me?! My feelings on this blog have now changed dramatically...
