Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Everything a Lady like Moi could ever want!


I found this. What a wonderful list. See this allows me to know what I can drink without putting on too much weight. Handy non?
Also handy is that iceland is having a 3 for 2 on Blossom Hill. It's been a while since I've had the ole Blossom HIll but I'm fond of the old tyke.

OK I'm too tired to post.


I'm off to iceland.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Revisiting Piles

So, as most of our readers (you know who you are Russia) know by now, our blog was originally created as a running commentary on Daly's blog. In her recent venture, Daly revisits her piles.....................................................................of books.

Good job Daly.

 I got thinking about what else to write this months blog on, once I had gotten the dig to Daly out of the way. And I thought about how Daly had vowed not to buy any more books at the start of the year (she failed).

Which led me to think about things that I have achieved not just this year, but in the past.

 I saw recently how somebody had ticked one thing of her bucket list - naked bungee-jumping. Safe to say that this will never be on my own list of things to achieve in life.

 I dont have a bucket list so to speak because I dont want to make that kind of commitment....to a list. So instead, how about I make it a mixture of stuff I want to do and already have done?!

 Here it is, the fuckit list, in no particular order:
1 - Get a degree (done - twice actually)
2 - Get a Masters (done)
3 - Get a PHD (to be completed.....and ummm started)
4 - Pass the FE1s (15 years later)
5 - Get an apprenticeship (done)
6 - Visit New York City (done - and hoping to revisit)
7 - Go on the Oprah show (Which sadly I will never technically be able to do, unless she has her own show on her own network...surely a possibility?)
8 - Go on a show on the Oprah network (see 7)
9 - write an erotic novel (so many ideas, but so much procrastination)
10 - Do the stupid outstretched arm tourist thing at Christ the Redeemer Statute, Rio de Janeiro (and so begins my small mention of things I have done while on holidays......nonetheless cool!)
11 - See the top five waterfalls on Earth (I actually have seen one of the top waterfalls, Foz de Iguassu, Brazil. I feel Niagara Falls may be the next one realistically me being able to see....I dont think the Torc waterfall in Killarney counts?)
12 - Visit the Amazon (I touched a turtle!)
13 - Smoke a Cuban Cigar in Cuba (Think I still have one in a drawer somewhere that we smuggled back in a..."sock", ya "sock")
14 - Visit Halong Bay in Vietnam (we thought we were going to be killed....it was typhoon season/there was some wind.)
15 - Go tubing in Laos (No, I dont need a life jacket thanks, no I cant swim, I'll be grand.........)
16 - Learn how to swim (it's my new years resolution......)
17 - Travel on a sleeper train from Laos to Thailand (It was not exotic or romantic)
18 - See an Elephant in the wild (the mystic was kinda taken away when I realised he was being used for manual labour....maybe it was okay though, you know, if he had like an 8 hour day, decent lunch break, 21 days holidays and a pension plan?)
19 - Stay out all night at a full moon party (It's hard to party when you have pink eye)
20 - Become an extra for a day on the Home & Away set. (It's going to happen)
21 - Read Ulysses (IT HAPPENED YOU HATERS)

 Right, due to my lack of concentration, I am now done with this and have to take a nap.

 To be continued........

Friday, October 28, 2011

Procrastination Personified.....

So 2011 has had it's ups and downs for us ladies.
Things are going well for the most part at the moment but I wonder, when things are going well do I subconsciously jeopardise things to make sure that my standing in the universe is more balanced?
Or is it just because I actually am the world's biggest procrastinator?
For instance,I had to endure a needless and expensive return train journey up to the city to do a college thing that I had been putting off for the week,thought I could do at home,discovered I couldn't,hence had to get the train back up,do the stupid thing for 5mins,turn around and get the train back down.
Coupled with the fact that I had forgotten to bring my student card,had gotten a student ticket and the one frigging time there were ticket inspectors on the frigging train,henceforth I ended up getting a frigging fine!!!!!!!

Okay,it's not the end of the world.And apparently if I ring up the nice people at CIE they can trace my student card and should be able to cancel my fine.

But still,why do I have to make my life more complicated than it already is?why do I have to make things harder for myself?!!My name is Musings and I am a procrastinator........
Maybe there is like a 12 step programme like in AA to recover from the addiction that is procrastination?

Step 1. Admitting that I have a problem. (Check.I totally admit to procratinating)
Step 2. Recognising a higher power. (No problem. I already recognise alcohol as having a higher power)
Step 3. Examining past mistakes. (eh,would I call them mistakes per se?)
Step 4. Getting a sponsor. (what's the likelihood of me getting sponsored by Smirnoff?)
Step 5. Making amends for these errors. (Have I not been punished enough by having to get the frigging train?)
Step 6. God, 12 steps is alot right?Maybe I'll just come back to this later.....there's like a film on and.....where was I?
oh ya,steps.mmmm,i'd really like a vodka right now,or maybe some wine.....
wow,this film is crap......but OMG it's called 12 rounds!co-incidence right?!This film, "12 rounds" is like my 12 step programme, "the five step programme".

hmmm,i know I have some alcohol around here somewhere.....

So,to conclude,love yourself.....procrastination and all.
I dont think I should be so tough on myself, I mean if I wasnt me, and I didnt procrastinate,who would I be?
Daly, that's who.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Taking a turn

So the great thing about having a blog that no one reads, is that I can at least vent to the world without having to worry. Mum had a stroke. It's so fucked up and I'm trying to get my head around it. they're in Australia. I know she's fine and it's all going to be grand. Insurance seems to be sorted. At least it's a country with good health care. At least it's a country with family. Dad and Emer are in a house rather than in some hotel. I'm trying to focus on the positives but it's soooo fucked up. I keep thinking about both my grannies. Granny Meade being in a bed unable to talk or move one side of her body for 9 years. And Granny Gavin, having physical and mental dementia where she'd think she was drinking tea or smoking, unaware that she wasn't. I know that it's fine. That Mum hasn't got any side effects and that they're keeping her in to find out what caused it. I'm presuming that means that they'll be able to figure out how to make sure it doesn't happen again. But it's shit. It's so shit and really scary. And I think that the more time I have to think about it, the worse it becomes.

I guess it's all just getting older. For me and for everyone in the Meade household. Neverland has never looked better.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Amazing Drink Machine

This is epic: http://www.morskoiboy.com/2011/09/now-i-can-taste-words.html

Also Musings and I need one. Now I know it shows you how to make this, but I think this person is a genius and I do not have the technical know how to make this. There is an even greater problem. You need 26 flavours. At first this seemed like the greatest thing in the world but then you realise you could end up with some really awful combinations.

As per the pretty letters on the side, that's really impressive but I'm in it for the drinks.

I also think this would make blog and book writing easier and more fun!

Now I have been thinking about 26 flavours that can go into any cocktail, in any combination and still work. This is what I have:

orange juice
cranberry juice
pineapple juice
apple juice
passionfruit juice
pomegranite juice
lemon tequila
raspberry vodka
seville orange gin
Dash of lime
White lemonade

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Very London Day

Today has been a very London day. This may sound weird but it is everything that a London day should be (so far, it's only 16.30). I started the day by getting on the tube, and zipping off to the gallery to collect some work. Work I'll do at some point over the weekend. You know, no matter how sunny it is, you still have to do work.This is in Mayfair, which is posh and pretty. And then I met up with Nikki at Oxford Circus. She's just moved over. So it' was great chatting with a friend in a nice cafe, escaping the heat. Can't handle the sunshine. I then jetted over (by tube again) to the Water Poet so that we could do a tiny tech and make sure we're ready for the show on Wednesday. Getting into Liverpool Street Station the doors were blocked and there were Cops/Guards/Pigs/Muccanna/Police EVERYWHERE. So I walked all over the shop just to get to the Water Poet. There was tear gas and rioting, something to do with the BNPs I heard (essentially skin heads that are under a political banner). So I got to the Water Poet, got more work done and then Hen and I decided we should put up posters around Brick Lane. Brick Lane is is artsy bo-ho London. Filled with vintage stores, tattoo parlours and street stalls. We got Pina Coladas that were out of this world, made from scratch and turned out to be virgin, it may have been the nicest pina colada I've ever had but it was missing a vital ingredient... Anyway Hen and I wandered around this street, every now and again putting up a poster for "Play @ the Water Poet". Now we're at a Cafe, around some hipsters, currently sitting with a lit up globe on my right, Hen on my left (as in Henry not chicken) and a lamp made out of paper cups offering the lighting. I guess later I'll put up more posters and then try and think of other London things to do. I've been to the theatre twice this week, so I mean I don't feel an obligation to see a show. Maybe watch a film at home and try Stella Artois Cidre, I've a bottle in my fridge, awaiting the moment I need it the most.
Ok fine I've had wine so I haven't needed the cidre (it's not cider it's cidre, apparently). Well tonights the night, unless of course I have a trip home via the offy.

What else is a London thing to do? Let me know. I have days to fill here!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Itchy Feet.....

Not itchy feet as in the athletes foot kinda sense but itchy feet in that i havent been to a different continent in about a year and im getting increasingly restless. What I wouldnt give to feel that stifling heat on my face, to feel the stares of the locals by being the only honky in the village, to feel that sense of adrenaline in not knowing what's going to happen to you in the next five minutes.........sigh.

This time last year I was dusting off my backpack and getting ready to head East. Trying to pack economically and fit in a bumper pack of hand sanitiser and a supply of toiletries that would keep Boots stocked for a month was not easy, but it was joyful.

It was the heading off into the unknown, the excitement of not knowing what exactly would happen, the opportunity to discover different cultures and the chance to discover things about oneself along the way. Oh Lord how I yearn for such an opportunity again. I mean Im not asking for much, a month would do. Peru maybe, or Chile. Austrailia or Africa.....some place that involves a long haul flight and atleast five in flight movie opportunities.

Every trip changes your perception of life a bit. People who have come back from travelling always bore their friends about the ah.mhaz.ing time that they've had, be it the time they were in Brazil or Argentina or Paraguay or Cuba or Thailand or Vietnam or Laos or Abu Dhabi or the Bahamas or the United States.....Im glad Im not one of those people.....but you do feel the need to share the experience with folks who make the mistake of giving you a chance to tell your tales.

My current passport expires in 2013 and I want to fill it's pages with as much stamps as possible before it expires.....realistically that's not going to happen this year but perhaps in the next two years....anything could happen.

I need a holiday. I need an adventure. I need the smell of another culture invading my nostrils. I can feel myself getting increasingly flighty and I need to dust off my left over bottles of suncream and to smell like coconuts. I need to leave behind any responsiblity and evade anybody depending on me to conform to normality. I want to paddle in water that is actually tepid. I want to play "guess the meat". I want to get intoxicated on rum and pass out on a hammock......These things just arent achievable in Ireland.

I guess I really am a traveller at heart.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Moving On......

So, this is my last night in the convent.
I am not leaving the sisterhood, I was merely an honourary sister I suppose(cept without having to do the whole religion/chastity thang). I have been living here since last October and am getting kicked out.
Well it's not that dramatic (they need the room), but effectively i shall be homeless.
So both my esteemed chum and I are both now without abodes. Though I will get to sleep in an actually bed as apposed to a couch, which mo lady seems to have come quiet attached to (see previous blogpost!).

So nine months have gone by and boy have things changed. From bad to rock bottom to pretty damn good, the only blip being my soon to be homelessness.But i imagine it will give me a sense of freedom and set my spirit free to wander.....right?!hmmmm....do they allow people to pitch a tent in the park these days?

What a difference 9 months can make. Generally of course after 9 months many people get landed with a sprog.....lousy.
For me, the past 9 months have been spent finally achieving something that I have wanted for years now, and of course becoming myself again.

Even through poverty and homelessness my compadre seems cheery at her plight and still optimistic and loving her new city which I think is pretty damn inspirational. (Also, send me on your address you fool so I can send you some rice, dried fruit or a carrot or something).

So things have changed for the both of us in the past 9 months. Both of us have gone 9 months without getting a baby at the end, huzzah! We are both in new cities that we enjoy discovering/getting lost in (Ahem, you may never diss me about getting lost again smellyhead).

Things didnt look so rosy 9 months ago......I was a shell of my former self and my amigo was getting forced out of Canada. But we found each other again and through laughter, cinema drinking, talking about Daly beind her back, drinking, licking, drunk diarying.....did I mention drinking, we dug ourselves back up again.

And now, the next 9 months are full of opportunites and new adventures. I am starting back in college again which will make my heart whole once more and mo lady has the whole of london as her muse and will get a job that recognises her talent and rewards her handsomely for her efforts!

So here's to the next stage..........may we remain baby free, careless, maybe not homeless, wine drinking, wise, happy and not too far from each other.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

This is being transposed - practice for my administrative dreams. Also because I'm waiting to go into the job centre. I'm at a cafe - its like the ones you see on tv... the dodgy ones but that's perfect because the tea was 90p - which is good for a number of reasons.
- Cheap tea is virtually impossible to find in any city, especially London.
- I am extremely broke - like can't afford tube or phone credit broke.
-This tea is disgusting.
He poured it from a large steel kettle then added hot water - so I didn't have high hopes.
I walked here and gave myself a lot of time since I constantly get lost in London. I think not being able to take the tube will be good for me. I'll finally see what streets lead to where. Also will be good for my hips. AND before (or after more than likely) you throw your eyes to heaven. I DO need to work on this because my stoney brokeness sent me merrily on my way to Iceland and as you can imagine I have chips, onion bhajees, fish fingers and garlic bread in the freezer, I also have two packs of hobnobs (not my favourite biscuits but at two packs for £1 - I had to). So I can't afford any fresh produce...
So anyway outside job centre and I'm hoping they'll be bale to get me a secretarial course or something that way I'll have an extra qualification, it'll help with getting administrative work as well as learning stuff - A great plan don't you think?
Well hopefully they'll be able to help. I've sent off two job applications today and I'm working on one for The Old Vic. I would LOVE to work there. In saying this I would be completely on the breadline but I might get to meet Niamh Cusack and Kevin Spacey... Also I'd be a shoe-in for other jobs if I got this. The trouble is the competition is so fierce here, but at least there are jobs going - Which makes a nice difference from home.
The boys are amazing. OK I never see James but when I do we have a laugh and when I don't I get his room =) (though I love my couch - I prefer it to the room if I'm honest but it is nice just to have a little privacy or feel like I'm not in the way. They NEVER make me feel like I'm in the way - which makes me feel even more guilty.
Seanan is wonderful - he has this brilliant sense of humour - that's completely dry so he says something and I think he's serious and then he reminds me - the wonderful thing about his humour is that deadpan usually has a touch of nastiness or coldness, Seanan doesn't. I haven't read his plays but I imagine this is a great asset as a writer.
And Henry - Maaaaannnn I love Henry. No not in love (just incase the coc is reading this).

Jesus just took a swig of tea its getting worse - Also owner of cafe (presumed owner) is watching me write - he probably thinks he's getting inspected. He would get 10/10 for friendliness and service. 10/10 for hygiene (they were cleaning as I walked in, its immaculate and though dodgy looking on outside an effort has been made with the table outside) and umm well I can't rate the tea.

But Henry is wonderful and really helpful. He gives good job seeker advice, helped with the National application (the one I REALLY wanted, and heard nothing about) and generally we just have nice chats. I really like living with all three (well two it's not like I live with James).
In saying this I really need to not live here. I mean its been 3 months - I feel like a horrible useless sponger ( I am a useless sponger but I do keep the place tidy and do a bit of cleaning). So yeah here I am hoping Jobcentre plus is going to answer my dreams, give me the leg up I need. Oh and one of the 12,000,000,000,000 or so jobs I've applied for might actually reply.
-Le Sigh

- Hope this doesn't come across as depressing. I'm loving London. There are so many free shows and the boys sometimes take me or give me tickets so I've still pretty much seen a show a week since I've been here. =) That's all I need to keep me happy and chirpy!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Art of a Good Cover Up

Well, would you believe I've been applying for jobs wrong for like... a decade? I think, in all honesty, working in retail/ bar work/ customer service/ general dog's body/treated like crap you don't need to focus on CV - you just note that you've done this before, smile and then you get the job. But with real jobs, officey - paid properly - lots of competition - type - jobs this kind of crap is really important.

Well holy mother of Mike... I had no idea an application letter should be that long, I would never have thought to put in separate headings and in general I don't really like spouting about what I'm good at (unless its drinking or quoting movies, I take pride in my ability in each - note all previous blogs) so the whole thing is uncomfortable...

Anywhoodle I don't suppose this makes for interesting reading but it does clear up the reason I can NEVER get interviews except the one time I had a connection. It also helps that I think I'm ok in person, I mean there's always the chance I'll fuck it up on the day or, of course someone is simply a better candidate but I do think I have some chance if I can just get in the door. Prior to this I could never get in the door- now I need to see if this is going to work.

I hate doing cover letters and CVs, selling yourself and it takes aaaggggeeesss. But I'm still on a couch. I love the boys, really like living with them, but I would like to be able to contribute and also have my own room (more the contributing funnily enough, I feel so guilty and I hate that. I love the couch though, super comfy and I get up early cos there's all busy-ness around me and sun glaring through the blinds, without that I can't help but sleep in). So roll on the job applications and hopefully some interviews.

So hopefully a new page has been turned in the life of reflections and to celebrate I'm going to have a cider and watch a film!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Morto Moments......

So after a fourteen hour day at the office trying to get somebody out of custody and taking an application in front of the High Court at 9pm,one ended up humiliated in Court because the Prosecution are a bunch of sneaky bastardos.....Passport Condition?news to me Judge.....disgrace on the Court....yes Judge......wasting everybody's time....yes Judge,whatever you say Judge as long as the ground opens up and swallows me whole this very minute so that I may join the Devil in a toast to the Judiciary....
One word.

Even about an hour later one still has a red face.

So,it got me thinking about embarrassing moments.....I've had a few.
Like a cupla weeks ago when I hadn't realised that my dress had ridden up exposing my nether regions.....morto.
Though I was wearing dark tights at the time so it could have been worse,or it may have just looked like I was very hairy down there.(which Im not btw,just for the record)

Thinking back along the years on other embarrassing moments,my parents have featured heavily. Think back to a time when being merely seen within a half mile of your parents was mortifying!

I would think that having snot on your face without realising is up there with the bad moments......not realising until someone points out that u had something on your face which then you realise is snot and has actually been there for some time. Similarly having something in your teeth without realising until u go home and look in the mirror and realise u had like a whole steak stuck in there.
The flip side of that is when somebody else has a UFO on their face/teeth.Do you pretend it's not there or point it out risking that person's embarrassment. Depending on who it is im all for pretending it's not there.

Then there's my high threshold for repression so as a result I cant remember some of my embarrassing moments,cant remember,wont remember.

So I try to think of my compadres embarrassing moments......which I couldnt possibly divulge of course,as unlike my ability to forget my morto moments, they inevitably remember.

And conveniently anything that I have ever done while drunk has not been embarrassing,but totally cool.....

The moral of the story is, just go drinking til you cant feel morto anymore.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Much Ado About Corsets......

So Daly's new blogpost is about her buying a corset for her burlesque class......

I mused over what to call this blogpost, which of course is inspired by Daly's own blog.....several idea's sprang to mind.....

1. Daly, The Victorian Whoremonger.

2. Coming out of the Corset.

3. The Corset and the Tramp.

Admittedly the first title came to me almost immediately, but in the end I said nay.

In her travels about Glasgow, Daly buys a corset. We can gather from the blogpost that this shop isn't strictly all corsets. I was left intrigued as to what the "rubber and section" entailed.
Did she mean to say "rubber hand section"? If so, the mind boggles at what sort of sadistic sex game involves rubber hands......but whatever you are into eh?
*queue image of Daly in a corset holding a pair of rubber hands*

It all feels very Gothic. And I mean Gothic as in Victorian London, Jekyll and Hyde, Dracula....not Gothic as in too much black eyeliner(which actually was a phase that Daly went through).

At the end of the day corsets are cool, getting naked is cool.....why not combine the two for some happy naked corset time? Throw in some rubber hands and you've made a night out of it.Throw in some chicken wings with a jack daniel sauce and I for one am there.

So go forth Daly and conquer that corset. We support you,much like your corset.

I wonder how hard it would be to make a corset of one's own? How hard could it be? Bit of cardboard, some whale bone, bit of double sided sticky tape.....bob's your corset......right?hmmm, i sense a money making scheme in the works....

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Seven Unknown Wonders of Musings....

how the frig did i miss Daly's blog post and my own partner, reflections recent blog post?

I need to stop working so hard and concentrate on the important things like cyber stalking my friends....

I may as well throw in my tuppence worth,i hate to feel left out of things....this is widely known about me.......im not sure if there is anything that i havent told to my amigos?i knew all of Daly's seven things,and indeed have been paramount in pointing some of the things out to her. i also knew most of reflection's seven,cept for the swimming togs one.....Bahahahahaha!
I also know way more about her that can never actually be shared......

So,here goes......

1. I wanted to be an artist when i was younger caus i thought i was really good at art....(I wasn't).

2. Regretably I avoided wearing bra for about two years when i should have been wearing one caus in my primary school anyone who wore a bra was a lesbian....

3. When i was growing up I always wished that I had been adopted...(still kinda waiting for my real family to come get me).....

4. I didnt have chinese food until I was 17.....(I bet I would have had chinese food with my real family all the time)

5. I used to HATE potatoes and would often pretend to fall asleep at the table so i wouldn't have to eat them.....

6. I let a street dog in Brazil lick me in the face (yes i was drunk.....no i dont have rabies....i think)

7. Red does suit me.....(Suckas).

So there we go, seven truths about me.

Daly and Reflections already know everything else about me, like how I get prettier every day, like how I can always handle my Liquer, like how I've never picked a fight with a scumbag.........right?!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Seven Things, you didn't know about Daly and Reflections

Daly did a post. It's been a while - which made it a little more difficult for this blog to be about her blog...

Anyway it was "seven things people don’t know about me that I don’t want them to know."
So here it is - short and sweet as we promised.

1. Daly's been grey since she was 10. (If you don't know that, you don't know Daly).
2. Her eyes change colour - from chocolatey brown to light hazel. She prefers chocolatey (who wouldn't???)
3. She can't hide her feelings. Can't lie.-And her voice raises when she lies.
4. She can keep a secret. (Respect; and true)
5. She can't spell (no one I know can, I blame the Irish education system)
6. She's a paranoid crazy.
7. She fell down a staircase, during an interview. She was applying to work at Penneys at fell down the stairs and was mortified and in genuine pain but tried to pretend she wasn't in pain and laugh it off. She didn't get the job.

Hmmm so I guess we should join in. Seven things about me that I don't tell peeps.
I won't lie.
What's the point if I do this and lie?
I did like Daly's choice to put up 1 truth & 2 lies. Real friends would know the truth.

1. As a child I loved wearing my swimsuit but hated for it to get wet. So there are soooo many pictures of me at the beach completely naked. Soooo many.

2. I used to eat my cornflakes dry. Also wheatabix. Yup - you know that race to eat dry wheatabix. I nail that.

3. I have previously been reckless with water, fire (ok cigarettes) and once, water and fire at once -that's all you're getting.

4. I survived on one meal a day for 3 months. I have never looked better, though I had a glint in my eye that suggested I might murder someone for a bar of chocolate.

5. I love notepads. All of them. But mostly pretty ones, different ones and quirky ones.

6. I got suspended from school (age 14) for stealing a bell off a nun. I stole it, dismantled it and threw it into my garden in 3 different directions, never expecting to think of it again.
-I got caught and had to find the 3 pieces, while my mother watched me-livid. This is not a woman you want to see angry.

7. I really really really wanted to do well in my masters and I didn’t. It’s one of the things I hate the most about myself. I never minded before because I never made an effort but when I finally did, it turned out I wasn’t smart.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Cinema Drinking....

You know what is underestimated.....cinema drinking.
it is a secret undercurrent happpening in our cinemas at this very minute people....well maybe not this very minute caus it's a bit late but it definately happened earlier....how do i know......???cause i.am.a.cineama.drinker.....and proud of it.

i mean what film cant be appreciated more with a spot of vino?
and u also get to make friends with people called dave...or brian...a fellow cinema drinker,with a facial piercing who was definately way uncooler than myself or my companion but still we were united in that brief moment of cinema drinking.

in these recessionary times,one has to be practical. but one can go to the cinema and be merry. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is cinema drinking.

i sampled a fine sauvingon blanc in the cinema whilst sampling the tasty delights of Thor, previously known as kim from home n away. Also spent quality time with my returning compadre, and even got in a phone call to the Dalster.

What are we but mere shadows if we do not have our friends beside us......friends and cinema drinking.....they complete me.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Best Chocolate Biscuit Cake - trust me

I loved chocolate biscuit cake as a child. I did notice something different about the chocolate biscuit cake that we had in my house and the ones that you could buy. Mum's tasted nicer but the ones in the shops had more chocolate. Anyway as you know (I'm presuming it's taking over your, TV, Radio and internet too) Prince William of UK and Kate Middleton will be having chocolate biscuit cake at the wedding and McVities released their recipe. So myself and Ms. Carroll decided to give it a go- not the best. Sorry but it's true. I know cake and that was weak, it tasted like a chocolate biscuit... Yes I know many of you may think that's the same thing; or even what you may want from chocolate biscuit cake; take it from me - it isn't!
You want a chocolate biscuit, you buy a chocolate biscuit, as the meercat would say "simples!"

So the real chocolate biscuit cake took five tries, but we have perfected it. And annoyed the whole Carroll household by plying them with fatty foods; also created a rumor that we're pot heads (as it happens neither of us are- not against it, just not my thing). We managed to be saying "O my goooodddd, this tastes sooo good" and have chocolate all over our faces, so I mean- it's fair.

So we started with the recipe in the paper and it wasn't a cake it was a giant chocolate biscuit, which is cool but didn't complete our task.
So we tried again with darling Mammy Reflections recipe. It was ok but it wasn't cakey enough. It didn't have the requisite fudgey texture. It was more a collection of coated biscuits in a yummy goo, with more goo on the bottom of the pan.
So then we tried three more cakes in one night. yes it was crazy but it had to be done!
We started with Mammy Reflection's recipe, but we put it in the fridge for an hour. Yup it became fudgey and solid enough that we put it in the cake tin and it was fudgey all the way through not just in a (albeit delicious) lump at the bottom.

The other two cakes were because I was thinking (lying on my bed and suddenly this jumped into my head) -what if I just heated condensed milk and melted some good dark chocolate. So we took half a can of condensed milk and put it in a saucepan over a medium heat and then added the chocolate and stirred it and added some biscuits and voila! It was fudgy and amazing but I had half an open can of condensed milk and half a bar of 70% cocoa chocolate.
-What's a girl to do?
Throw them in the microwave for 1 minute and yup you guessed it, it was the exact same, you have to stir it really quickly after to get rid of lumps but that was more fun then anything- then add the biscuits. It's ready pretty much immediately.
It isn't really chocolate biscuit cake; it's fudge biscuit. Maaannnnn I love fudge biscuit.


The Revised Mammy Reflections Recipe

12 oz rich tea biscuits (at your discretion maybe 3/4 of packet)
1/2 lb margarine
6ozs castor sugar.
6 teaspoonful of cocoa powder
2 eggs

melt marg & sugar do not boil,
remove from heat & add beaten egg.
Break biscuits into small pieces,
Add choc sauce to biscuits & mix well.Put int fridge for hour (in mixing bowl)
One last stir.
Put into dish to set for 12 hours (that's pretty generous but basically make it the day before).

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Canadia Land

Well it feels like forever since I posted. But basically here's the lowdown on the life of reflections.
I went to London and worked on a workshop for a really brilliant play. THe actors were amazing and it was really a lovely experience. I was all happy and the day after this ended I went off to Toronto to work on the play I've worked on for nearly 2 years. I got to Toronto to be told there are some major problems with the show and then the next day received a text to say that the show was cancelled... yeah.
So now I'm in Canada with time on my hands. I've been filling my days with well internet and doing things I've never done before... this is like ummm driving on the wrong side of the road. Driving automatic, it's easy but a little unnerving and my left foot has never felt less loved. I saw a moose crossing sign a real one it was on the way to North Bay, another thing I did, going to North Bay. I made souffle from scratch. And I played bingo and won $14 which was great cos I got to shout "BINGO!" admittedly I wasn't the only person, ergo the $14. I ate at Swiss Chalet, it was lovely, I wasn't wild about the sauce I heard so much about but you know the rest was nommmm sooo yummy! I bottled wine, that was fun and educational. I went to the fresh water spring and gathered water (this was for making wine). I bought a mac not sure what I'm supposed to do with the two free stickers of the apple symbol... It is so lovely and I'm typing on it right now. I went into the Canadian Shield... no not some computer game but a giant formation of rock that was cool and imposing and surrounded the car on the way to and from North bay (by the by if you like sushi the best I've ever had was in North Bay, holy moly the tempura in the dynamite roll was still crispy, it was to die for).
Needless to say, I've been drinking lots of wine, and vodka, vodka courtesy of duty free at O'Hare airport and wine courtesy of the fabulous Carrolls, who make their own, ergo I bottled...
And well now I'm off to take a walk through the lovely town of Uxbridge to buy a notepad/copy to write on, then I'll do some writing and then figure out something new to do today.

Any suggestions?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wilde Things

It turns out (and this is what happens when you drink and blog)that I wrote two blogposts and didn't press publish.... DAMN!
Anywhoodle I shall update now. Fresh as a daisy and stuck in a house that's waiting for carpets. So well it's hard to go back and rewrite what's gone before. I'll tell you about yesterday. I met up with Musings, we had our wings (not the spicy wings but the buffalo wings, they're so much better and in their special Jack Daniels sauce... delightful! Anyway we had them with some cocktails, many cocktails, the drinks cost more than the meal. We had Long Beach Iced Tea, if you haven't had one of these get thee to a TGI Friday's - stat! Delicious drink, it had vodka, rum, gin and lemon tequila... with a dash of cranberry that's a real drink, so we had 2. Then we had a 77 Sunset Strip, that was... well it was a shirley temple but with same alcohol as the L.B.I.T. and it was super sweet. As in, I'm sweet toothed and I found it too much. So we went back to our auld dependables. Then when we got the bill and I dished out the last of the money I have (that's not a joke or an overexageration we were enjoying ourselves and didn't think about the money side of things) we left thinking ok we'll have one more drink (on Musing's card) but somewhere else. Then I made a joke, "What about up there?" pointing to the Westbury. We laughed and then Musings looked at me with a certain glint in her eyes, "I have a credit card... pay later??" So off we giggled to the Westbury, in our skanky clothes surrounded by glitter and pazzazz. Seriously the clientelle other then one woman didn't seem put out but the staff just stared. The waitress really expected us to do a runner. In my defense I'd been looking after a baby all day and then had travelled from the North (a different country so I was just tired and not in the mood to be at my best, Musings was straight from work).It really is a nice place though and then we looked at the menu, and ummm they were expensive (I'm unemployed) it was 16 yoyos... yeah for one drink, which was served in a martini glass (not even to the brim), with a little mint leave floating prettily on top.
We sucked the mint leaves hoping to get the full amount of the alcohol, cos it was 16 big ones each. We also considered taking the glasses, they were grey goose, so I mean the hotel got them free, right? But we refrained (Musings really wanted some more renumeration for the price of the cocktails). But the thing is the cocktail was called 'Wilde' yup like the wonderful playwright and the man who famously enjoyed and advised people like us to live beyond their means... so we did.
It was worth it, even if I can't afford to buy milk for my tea... As I said to darling Musings "We were made for that life, it sadly wasn't made for us"

Monday, February 21, 2011

Pense & Pensitivity.........

Spending quite some amount of time of public transport these days, I tend to have become increasingly pensive.......this is not helped by the fact that I have a selection of rather depressing tunes on my ipod........

So, my last trip up on the train I became once again quite pensive. And I thought about how my life had turned out, and how different it has actually turned out from the life I thought I would have by now. I thought back to my nine year old self, hating the world, thinking everybody was against me, being dramatic........and I began to think what my nine year old self would think......at the time I was sipping a cappucino, whilst munching on a granola bar on a train to my Law job in the Capital...... I very much doubt that as a nine year old I had heard of the words cappucino or granola, so I would imagine that my nine year old self would be impressed.....even at a young age I had high illusions of grandour......

Also I thought back on my week, which had been exceptionally eventful.
To start off the week there was Vagentine's Day, which would be an amazing start to any week! It also involved me drinking waaaaaaaay too much wine with my comrade reflections, staying up waaaaaaaaay too late and eating crap......best.Vagintine's.day.ever.......though this also meant that Tuesday was spent trying not to puke at work and avoiding the urge to fall asleep at my desk. This also meant that I was in bed by 8:30 Tuesday night.

Then when I thought things couldnt get any crazier, I got asked out on a date, by a real person, not just a figment of my imagination, a real live boy...............and not just a boy that was pissed as a fart, trying to grope me or lob the gob(not that there isnt anything wrong with that, some of my finest romantic moments have involved these elements)but someone who was sober, who saw me in my work clothes and not my usual PVC catsuit that I wear out at the weekend.........

And then to satisfy myself and reflection's thirst for culture we went to an awesome play on Thursday night, God of Carnage. It had one of the best puking scenes since Team America......for me, nothing says culture more than puke.
And to top it off we pooled our cents together and went for wine, which led to a very blurry walk home for me as wine plus the fact that I need to get my eyes tested does a blurry walk make.

I wish every week could be Vagentine's week......................................

Friday, February 11, 2011

Vagentines Day.......

No, that isnt a misprint, this blog post is going to be about the wonderful creation that is Vagentines Day, a day dedicated to the vagina.
Think of it, instead of spending the 14th of February feeling shit, and in fairness it doesnt matter if you are single or in a relationship Valentines Day causes untold misery(its not just me being bitter)we could spend the day honouring the vagina. And it can be celebrated by everybody, single or coupled.

Instead of Valentine's Day cards we could have Vagentine's Day knickers with heartfelt messages for the vagina. Instead of chocolates we could have chocolate sauce or instead of going out for dinner you could, ahem, eat in..........

The vagina, where life begins........ why hasnt it had a day of celebration before now?

I was going to write a blog post on Valentine's Day, a hilarious anecdote on what me and reflections were going to get up to so I didnt end up throwing myself under a bus..... which involved us drinking wine, playing strip cludeo, discussing vintage vodkas........the usual. But then, what would make the day so much better, drinking wine, playing strip cludeo AND paying homage to our lady gardens.

Also, something happened today which made me realise that life is too short to waste time being bitter about Valentine's Day......something really shite which gives u a sense of perspective, ya so I have a broken heart but there is real shit going on out there.

Ultimately, life is a cunt.

Ergo, Vagentine's Day........and the circle of life is complete.

After the really shit thing happened today I felt aged........ its the type of thing that only happens to grown ups..........I was confronted by the fact that I too am a grown up.......

And then along came Vagentine's Day........I may now be a grown up, with grown up dilemmas to face, but at heart im a waster who loves drinking until she cant feel feelings anymore and who comes up with stuff like Vagentine's Day....

Now, where does one find a tandem bike and a bottle of wine at this stage of the night?!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Vodka, водка, горілка, wódka

Hmm so this is a strange blog but here it goes...

Musings and I are refined in our love of the old vodka (see Czech and Ukrainian version in title not to mention the divine 'mother-tongue' of vodka itself) well anyway in an evening in with my parents (we're looking at homely, kind people, catholic, nothing extreme) well anyway I got bored, not in a horrible way I hope but well... it was lovely, we had a roast,(delicious) and watched a movie (Appointment with Death, love that film but have seen it a million times) and well my mother majorly disapproved of how I was drinking, now I know what you're thinking... I was drinking my weight in alcohol, or I was absolutely bahluuubahs.

Nope, nothing like that. It was, in fact, an ordinary night in the Irish parents. So I texted my good friend musings. I was so aware that if I was anywhere else I'd open another bottle but as it was, and with respect to my parents that was never (NEVER) going to happen...(catholic, very holly upstanding people) Anyway Musings and I texted about the modern complications of the economic crisis in relation to our lives etc. etc.

The result was a wonderful epiphany (what good is an epiphany if I don't begin to tell about it with a meaningless story???). My life would not be the same, would not have taken the wonderful path it had taken if it wasn't for alchmohol... yes, I spelt that correctly!

Once when we were out west, where we met, it was the nicest place, rainy, miserable, awful, its funny but I guess the memories are nothing to do with how great a place is in your memory. Vodka's great for that kind of thing! Well musings and I were out west and we have this whole life of craziness that we had out there, and it reached a moment that we realized we had to walk away. I mean we were... fun loving... anyway it turns out that Musings met someone from our past... we all have them, that kind of person you dread meeting. The kind of person who is so much more refined and kind, intelligent and well meaning and you think shit I better not see then ever again, it would be awful, they'll remember every moment... all those things I like to forget/have to forget...

Well musings met our person... and what did she do???

Declared her undying love for Musings! Yup, she told her she loved her, I like to think that we showed her how good life could be..., I mean there are the people that obey the rules and the people that drink a bottle of vodka and then try to interpret the rules...

each to his/her own... though I know which path I'm traveling!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hmmm news... news. Well umm Daly has piles as my good friend musings has informed us already... seriously though apparently Daly didn't even think about what that sounded like... as in she's now admitted she feels like a stool and told everyone she has piles...
Yesterday Musings, the 2nd Carroll and Dempsey all went to see Tangled. Man I loved it, good ole Disney meets the Wicked musical guy (umm think he's worked for Disney forever, before wicked in fact but that's just the musical nerd in me... hahah yeah I think...The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Hunchback).
Anyway it was wonderful and before Musings and I went off for some sushi... she had never had it before... how crazy is that??? Anyway she did and she ate it all so if she didn't like it, she still didn't waste money or be impolite.
Then the weirdest thing in the world happened. It was terrifying and it shook me to the core and now well I don't know what to do. I said "wanna go for a drink?" and umm we didn't. As it happens myself and darling musings love a good drink. It's why we admire the Russians so much. Vodka has been a drink of choice for such a long time, and also when I was there I noticed that they don't stop drinking till the bottle was empty... Damn fine people those Russians.
And well I won't get into it but we have similar reasons for loving the french and their wine, also the Chileans.
Hmm I feel this isn't my writing at its best.... I'm very tired and I've been in 3 counties and I have so many reasons I mean life etc. And I haven't written in ages which I should be doing everyday, and I've been working on the theatre company sooo much which is why I'm so tired and blah blah blah the guilt of not writing. love you blog x

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Daly has piles............

So, Daly has piles..........of books.......of course,which is her latest blog post. Not the first blog on piles I would imagine but maybe one of the few about piles of books. She also includes a photo of said piles......of books.......and it saddened me to see that my photo does not yet adorn her shelves........so, her wall may be full of my photos but still, you cant beat a shelf photo. Her face adorns two of my shelves,admittedly i am also in both photos, but it counts all the same.

Anyhews...........new and exciting updates from the world of musings.............my life partner, reflections has vacated back down to the south to reflect on writings and all things dramaturgilocial.........though she has promised to take me clubbing on her return to the big city so I can get my freak on.........

In the mean time, I resort to "ass watch" which involves me trying to glimpse a look at the cute guy's (from office upstairs) bottom.....which isnt easy to do as suit jackets hide everything,rather inconveniently......so anyday now I am going to "drop" something in his vicinity and watch as he picks it up......in my head it'll be like the diet coke ad.......in real life it'll probably create more carnage than a hedgehog in a condom factory.......and will resemble that scene from legally blonde where she accidentally headbutts him..........
Though it wouldnt be the first time I had a bleeding guy on my hands........but I digress.

So stay tuned for more on "ass watch" my friends...........maybe it could become like crimewatch where I can hire actors to recreate moments where I attempt to see his bottom...........such moments like, that time on the stairs or like that time I tried to act nonchalant caus I is mysterious........an enigma, if you will, wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in a mystery.

Obviously I am living life to the MAX.........and im trying to get started on my first holiday of the year......Im thinking Rome.....with Daly.........but she can leave her piles at home..........what with the whole baggage allowance......piles of books you see......hehehehehehe.........

Saturday, January 8, 2011

So long 2010.... hello 2011.....

First blog post of the new year!
okay so technically its been 2011 for a week but it always takes me a little longer to get my head round things,like a new year.

So, 2010 was a mixed bag of a year....... i did succeed in getting in 5 holidays which was a tough personal goal I'd set myself. I also have also gotten half way somewhere in an actual grown up job, which i actually really like. though some Mongolians were sacrificed in the making of my new found career......

In matters of the heart I resumed being d.e.d inside, with nothing but the rage and the fact that i get prettier everyday to comfort the now vast cavern in my chest....and my friends of course, reflections, the Dalster, Ryan Moloney and the ladies who i am forever thankful for..... and for not saying "we told you so"..........well, not everyday at least.....for like spreading it out to once a month,which shows their mighty restraint.

Other memories from 2010......being able to add another near death experience to my list of near death experiences.......(like the time i almost died in a typhoon whilst on a boat in Vietnam or almost being glassed by a punk in Brazil).....this years other death experience involved me almost perishing in a house fire new years eve......admittedly i slept through it but i have it on good authority from reflections that it was pretty scary.

Some totally awesome things about 2010:
Asking yourself what would beyonce do before doing anything (WWBD).......yay beyonce.
Describing everyone as an enigma,wrapped in a riddle,wrapped in a mystery......
Discovering that reflections is practical.........could come in handy for the future as we travel the world in a yacht/plane combo.......
Asia......(though,im sure it has always been awesome)
Passing my last FE-1 exam after 25 years........i is well cleva
Finding a restaurant that has the BEST garlic bread ever(in Edinburgh).......
Leaving my UPC career behind......and following my path to Asia

So,2010 wasnt all doom and gloom,floods,fires,burst pipes,heartache,snow,Armageddon,four horsemen of the Apocalypse......
ummm,where was I?

So welcome 2011,would it be selfish of me to set a personal goal of 6 holidays this year?
As for resolutions......I resolve to be nice to myself,to continue to get prettier everyday,and to learn how to swim(so that i can actually not be left behind on a boat/tropical island/golden sand anymore).......
And of course WWBD........