So 2011 has had it's ups and downs for us ladies.
Things are going well for the most part at the moment but I wonder, when things are going well do I subconsciously jeopardise things to make sure that my standing in the universe is more balanced?
Or is it just because I actually am the world's biggest procrastinator?
For instance,I had to endure a needless and expensive return train journey up to the city to do a college thing that I had been putting off for the week,thought I could do at home,discovered I couldn't,hence had to get the train back up,do the stupid thing for 5mins,turn around and get the train back down.
Coupled with the fact that I had forgotten to bring my student card,had gotten a student ticket and the one frigging time there were ticket inspectors on the frigging train,henceforth I ended up getting a frigging fine!!!!!!!
Okay,it's not the end of the world.And apparently if I ring up the nice people at CIE they can trace my student card and should be able to cancel my fine.
But still,why do I have to make my life more complicated than it already is?why do I have to make things harder for myself?!!My name is Musings and I am a procrastinator........
Maybe there is like a 12 step programme like in AA to recover from the addiction that is procrastination?
Step 1. Admitting that I have a problem. (Check.I totally admit to procratinating)
Step 2. Recognising a higher power. (No problem. I already recognise alcohol as having a higher power)
Step 3. Examining past mistakes. (eh,would I call them mistakes per se?)
Step 4. Getting a sponsor. (what's the likelihood of me getting sponsored by Smirnoff?)
Step 5. Making amends for these errors. (Have I not been punished enough by having to get the frigging train?)
Step 6. God, 12 steps is alot right?Maybe I'll just come back to this later.....there's like a film on and.....where was I?
oh ya,steps.mmmm,i'd really like a vodka right now,or maybe some wine.....
wow,this film is crap......but OMG it's called 12 rounds!co-incidence right?!This film, "12 rounds" is like my 12 step programme, "the five step programme".
hmmm,i know I have some alcohol around here somewhere.....
So,to conclude,love yourself.....procrastination and all.
I dont think I should be so tough on myself, I mean if I wasnt me, and I didnt procrastinate,who would I be?
Daly, that's who.
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