Thursday, July 21, 2011

Moving On......

So, this is my last night in the convent.
I am not leaving the sisterhood, I was merely an honourary sister I suppose(cept without having to do the whole religion/chastity thang). I have been living here since last October and am getting kicked out.
Well it's not that dramatic (they need the room), but effectively i shall be homeless.
So both my esteemed chum and I are both now without abodes. Though I will get to sleep in an actually bed as apposed to a couch, which mo lady seems to have come quiet attached to (see previous blogpost!).

So nine months have gone by and boy have things changed. From bad to rock bottom to pretty damn good, the only blip being my soon to be homelessness.But i imagine it will give me a sense of freedom and set my spirit free to wander.....right?! they allow people to pitch a tent in the park these days?

What a difference 9 months can make. Generally of course after 9 months many people get landed with a sprog.....lousy.
For me, the past 9 months have been spent finally achieving something that I have wanted for years now, and of course becoming myself again.

Even through poverty and homelessness my compadre seems cheery at her plight and still optimistic and loving her new city which I think is pretty damn inspirational. (Also, send me on your address you fool so I can send you some rice, dried fruit or a carrot or something).

So things have changed for the both of us in the past 9 months. Both of us have gone 9 months without getting a baby at the end, huzzah! We are both in new cities that we enjoy discovering/getting lost in (Ahem, you may never diss me about getting lost again smellyhead).

Things didnt look so rosy 9 months ago......I was a shell of my former self and my amigo was getting forced out of Canada. But we found each other again and through laughter, cinema drinking, talking about Daly beind her back, drinking, licking, drunk diarying.....did I mention drinking, we dug ourselves back up again.

And now, the next 9 months are full of opportunites and new adventures. I am starting back in college again which will make my heart whole once more and mo lady has the whole of london as her muse and will get a job that recognises her talent and rewards her handsomely for her efforts!

So here's to the next stage..........may we remain baby free, careless, maybe not homeless, wine drinking, wise, happy and not too far from each other.

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