This is being transposed - practice for my administrative dreams. Also because I'm waiting to go into the job centre. I'm at a cafe - its like the ones you see on tv... the dodgy ones but that's perfect because the tea was 90p - which is good for a number of reasons.
- Cheap tea is virtually impossible to find in any city, especially London.
- I am extremely broke - like can't afford tube or phone credit broke.
-This tea is disgusting.
He poured it from a large steel kettle then added hot water - so I didn't have high hopes.
I walked here and gave myself a lot of time since I constantly get lost in London. I think not being able to take the tube will be good for me. I'll finally see what streets lead to where. Also will be good for my hips. AND before (or after more than likely) you throw your eyes to heaven. I DO need to work on this because my stoney brokeness sent me merrily on my way to Iceland and as you can imagine I have chips, onion bhajees, fish fingers and garlic bread in the freezer, I also have two packs of hobnobs (not my favourite biscuits but at two packs for £1 - I had to). So I can't afford any fresh produce...
So anyway outside job centre and I'm hoping they'll be bale to get me a secretarial course or something that way I'll have an extra qualification, it'll help with getting administrative work as well as learning stuff - A great plan don't you think?
Well hopefully they'll be able to help. I've sent off two job applications today and I'm working on one for The Old Vic. I would LOVE to work there. In saying this I would be completely on the breadline but I might get to meet Niamh Cusack and Kevin Spacey... Also I'd be a shoe-in for other jobs if I got this. The trouble is the competition is so fierce here, but at least there are jobs going - Which makes a nice difference from home.
The boys are amazing. OK I never see James but when I do we have a laugh and when I don't I get his room =) (though I love my couch - I prefer it to the room if I'm honest but it is nice just to have a little privacy or feel like I'm not in the way. They NEVER make me feel like I'm in the way - which makes me feel even more guilty.
Seanan is wonderful - he has this brilliant sense of humour - that's completely dry so he says something and I think he's serious and then he reminds me - the wonderful thing about his humour is that deadpan usually has a touch of nastiness or coldness, Seanan doesn't. I haven't read his plays but I imagine this is a great asset as a writer.
And Henry - Maaaaannnn I love Henry. No not in love (just incase the coc is reading this).
Jesus just took a swig of tea its getting worse - Also owner of cafe (presumed owner) is watching me write - he probably thinks he's getting inspected. He would get 10/10 for friendliness and service. 10/10 for hygiene (they were cleaning as I walked in, its immaculate and though dodgy looking on outside an effort has been made with the table outside) and umm well I can't rate the tea.
But Henry is wonderful and really helpful. He gives good job seeker advice, helped with the National application (the one I REALLY wanted, and heard nothing about) and generally we just have nice chats. I really like living with all three (well two it's not like I live with James).
In saying this I really need to not live here. I mean its been 3 months - I feel like a horrible useless sponger ( I am a useless sponger but I do keep the place tidy and do a bit of cleaning). So yeah here I am hoping Jobcentre plus is going to answer my dreams, give me the leg up I need. Oh and one of the 12,000,000,000,000 or so jobs I've applied for might actually reply.
-Le Sigh
- Hope this doesn't come across as depressing. I'm loving London. There are so many free shows and the boys sometimes take me or give me tickets so I've still pretty much seen a show a week since I've been here. =) That's all I need to keep me happy and chirpy!
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