How to explain? How to explain? Well I love my darling musings. I really do. In so many ways and for so many reasons. I love the way she has a fantastic laugh, I think we so often associate a good laugh as being hearty and long and yet a short, almost sarcastic laugh can be just as invoking... that's musings. She's just fun and funny, clever but not serious and... loves a drink but not a drunk!
As for Daly... yes we mention her and we have based this whole blog about her, if you didn't know you should... We didn't know she had a blog, as we are partial to mocking (anything) she didn't want us to know and once we found out we thought what can we do to Daly for having a secret blog and we realized we could create a blog that summarizes Daly's blog so that we created a blog that basically does what Daly's blog does but quicker...
Well anyway Daly... Daly is... hmm to explain. We are cruel to her, have an ongoing joke... actually millions of them about everything about her. But the thing is well no one else would take it and I don't mean that only she is fool enough to take it... no it's not only that she can laugh (full and hearty as it happens, like yours truly) but that Daly can make you laugh. She makes you laugh till you snort, till you cry, till you pee yourself. She has this ability to never ask you for anything and yet to always want to give her everything. She is sincere, generous, funny, genuine, caring, funny and well just Daly, what more could anyone want?
The truth is we had all these plans, all these jokes and well Daly made it, she did what none of us did, as quickly (I still have hope) but only cos she really really deserves it, she got her dream job and still works it.
Basically all this jabbering... sadness, drinking, emotional..? Or just to explain...and wait for it. I don't feel jealous, or angry or or or... I don't know..
Basically currently I hate my job, have an eye problem (the eyeball is fine just the skin around it so the doctor was like ummm here's a specialist's number), am getting over food poisoning, and have well ummm that, I don't know if ye remember (maybe I only told reflections cos I only remember her reaction) but I still have that thing on my breast that I never did anything about, never got round to going to a doctor, always thought it would go down and the doctor said (before ye get scared)) it's nothing to worry about but finally just went to the doc and well.... as ye can guess, I'm a stressed little mofo...
this has become a sob fest. All I wanted to do was say is:
I love Musings and Daly. Love them both. We've had so much fun over the years and it continues on (and long may it last). And I can't even hope to explain I am not jealous, or angry or anything like that... I just I am so happy, genuinely happy, that they're meeting up, I know how much fun they're going to have and I'm glad cos I know how much they both deserve it and have earned it. And I really do love them so much and I really can't help feeling a little self pity (that's too strong a word), but a I feel happy for them and a little sad for me that I won't be there.
So in a weird way, I guess, with no plans for this piece, I just wanted to say, have a great time. I know ye will. Fill ye're whole weekend with stories only fit for the best of the stories that we've compiled over the last few years.
I love ye both and enjoy ye're weekend, and hey, I'll be seeing Harry Potter on Friday and surely Daly will have comments on her blog about it and well then the conversation will truly begin!
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