this shall henceforth be a two part blog post.............
the first part shall be a retort to daly's blog on her recent trip to see the new Harry Potter(with yours truly)
the second part shall refer to the title of this blog post,in which i almost got recruited by overly zealous religious youth and have only just recovered enough to write about my ordeal.......
sooooo,i made the trip over to the lovely Edinburgh to see Daly!(thank you €22 ryanair flight!)whoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoop.
there was wine and song and much loudness,so much so that Daly can no longer go back to a certain pub....or restaurant.....ahem......jeez,if they cant take a joke(or two friends who havent seen each other in ages and like to laugh uncontrollably at rude,dirty and inappropriate things).
We also queued(ridiculously early) to see the new Harry Potter!
Now,i have read the books and remember the majority of the story,but im not going to remember the insy weensy details like Ciara "photographic memory" Daly..........
so i was not bothered that they left out parts,i realy enjoyed the film and it meant 2 and half hours of complete escapism(to a world where i could be a witch and where gingers are attractive).......
ah to be 50 years younger eh,i would SO tap that.............mmmmmmmmm.
And so,to the second part of the escape from the religious loons.
I can only think the reason i avoided their brainwashing was through the sheer filthiness of my own mind.
I came across the cult whilst having dinner in the same vicinity..............i had wine and reacted the only way i know routing the conversation to be about myself and by being sarcastic.
Afterwards i felt an incredible urge to do something illegal........and dirty.........and wrong............
maybe i shall wait for a reflections-musings-daly-moloney reunion for that...........ladies,ye're mission should ye choose to accept it............................
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