Ahem, drum roll, so Daly has written about:
"So here we go!!!" : She doesn't know what she'll be writing about yet.
"In which I get my em dash nerd on..." : She loves 2 things, being right and the em dash. The em dash (though at no point does she use one so I'm still unsure what it is, I think it's this - could be wrong) is the best punctuation, the unicorn of punctuation because it is perfect. Semicolons are shite.
"In which I damn Shrek Forever After" : Outside of America people don't like sugary popcorn (this is true). Shrek Forever After is not the worst movie but its not that great, it shouldn't have been made (I saw Shrek 3 and I felt that was crap, so I presume Shrek 4 shouldn't have been made. Admittedly I am judging blindly I haven't seen it, it is unlikely that that will change). She summarizes the film noting that why is it so hard for men in movies to be tied down but apparently women don't feel like they've lost themselves when family life begins (word).
"In which I ask you what to blog about" : She asks what she should blog about, and mentions in the moments before sleep she had an epiphany for what the blog should be about and it would have been amazing but she doesn't remember.
"In which I celebrate my lack of creativity" : 'I'm not creative but I don't mind, even though writing a bog is creative' (at least she noticed). Creative people wow her, non-creative people should know their place. She is on the non-creative side of a creative business (Daly is a legal editor... I'm guessing that the editing is probably the most creative thing about law books, I've read some, they are NOT creative... sigh I hated law, I need chocolate to get me through the flashbacks currently running through my brain from Uni). She mentions thinking of herself as the stool that the bum of the writer sits on (Ev, quite rightly commented on being careful about putting bum and stool in such close proximity). She also mentioned the red pen of accuracy. (this sounds cool and even though I know it is only Daly's red pen probably bic, I still just think it sounds cool. I want one but not a bic one, the red pen of accuracy that is in my mind).
*So the bold stuff are my own comments and not part of Daly's blog. If you didn't realize this I hope you are drunk/hungover/tired (At least I'm giving you excuses there really isn't one).
**Don't you think Daly's Blog: Muddled Musings On Miscellaneous should have been called The Daly Blog... cos her name's Daly and its a blog and Daly and Daily it's a play on words don't cha know... no? Anyone? ahem.
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