This is a blog that summarizes Daly's blog Muddled Musings on Miscellaneous. It also has random posts from Musings and Reflections.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
It's not fair, I want a book challenge too
The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini
The Art of War Sun Tzu (I started this and thought it would be a thought provoking interesting read turned out it's a ye olde self-help book)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain
J.M. Barrie and the Lost Boys Andrew Birkin (School book I never managed to finish, by school I mean (I've been in Canada too long) University).
Little Women Louisa May Alcott
Beside Myself Antonyn Sher (Going to Canada gift from Clodagh, really should have read this already).
Sweet Francais (Book 2 Dolce) Irene Nemirovsky (In fairness I read the first book, don't know why I didn't continue but I look forward to it).
Hotel Rwanda edited by Terry George (I haven't seen the film)
Mark Twain on Travel edited by Terry Mort (what's with the Terry's and their editing?)
The Playwright's Workbook Jean-Claude van Itallie (This should be a text book... it isn't).
Miss Julie August Strindberg
Impro Keith Johnstone (also of my own volition)
Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte (I have started this three times but lost the book twice while travelling then this year managed just not to continue)
The Quaran translated by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan (Ah shite why did I take the free Quaran...)
*Ladies of Liberty Cokie Roberts (I know what you're thinking, a trashy book... I wish! It's a historical book on the wives of the early presidents of the U.S., it was a horrible read, it presumes you already know the history (I haven't a clue) and it's not chronological so it's really hard to keep up, ahhhh crud).
I shall also read Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte because it is my favourite book and it is time to read it again.
I also have 2 anthologies on my shelf (feck feck feck)
Postcolonial Plays edited by Terry... ok I lie Helen Gilbert (I'm happy to report that all the plays from this have been fantastic and I asked my parents to send me this since I had studied many of them and I wanted to read the rest, so this a two-bird one stone moment).
Once upon Four Robbers Femi Osofisan
Anowa Ama Ata Aidoo
QPH Sistren Theatre Collective
1984 Here and Now Kee Thuan Chye
Details Cannot Body Want Chin Woon Ping
Nga Pou Wahine Briar Grace-Smith
The Conversation of Ka'ahumanu Victoria Nalani Kneubuhl
Tomson Highway The Rez Sisters
Fronteras Americanas (American Borders) Guillermo Verdecchia
Somewhere Over the Rainbow Charabanc Theatre Company
Selected Plays by W.B. Yeats (great poet, not so hot playwright... sigh).
The Shadowy Waters
The Hour-Glass
On Baile's Strand
The Green Helmet
At Hawk's Well
The Dreaming of the Bones
The Cat and the Moon
The Only Jealousy of Emer
Sophocles' King Oedipus
The Resurrection
The Words upon the Window-Pane
The King of the Great Clock Tower
The Herne's Egg
The Death of Cuchulain
Before I start any of these I must finish the book I am currently reading. Ok while searching for current book for the author (The Way of Herodotus being the title) I found another book. Also have lost The Way of Herodotus so that shall be finished when I find it. *I've added other book to end of list (begrudgingly, I considered leaving it).
Oh yeah Daly did a review of The A-Team... she's a complete girl and loves Bradley Cooper and feels the end wasn't realisitic, which implies she thinks flying a tank is realistic.
Daly's challenged..........
so recently i "acquired" two mills and boon books,"a south texas christmas" and "a colby christmas" well as a maeve binchy book,"the return journey"..........and a free copy of another book in cosmo called "operation sunshine".......
i also found a book i started 5 months ago(but cant get past chapter 2)"the girl with the dragon tattoo".......aswel as a diary of my travels that i kept from my first really big adventure,which im beginning to think might be more entertaining than the others........though it will probably read like a mills and boon novel anyway..........BOOM!
so can i read these books before daly has read hers?!she has reflected that the edinburgh fringe festival may interfere with the timely reading of these before the winner of the booker prize has been announced..........i'm not going to the fringe but i am going to asia....which is on the proverbial fringe of the world,if u may.......
also none of the books in my challenge are on the list of the booker prize.......though i feel that my own travel diary could make it on to the list some day.........
so there we go!
i probably should start with the book i have already started......but those mills and boon books are drawing me in,especially with a storyline about brad,who is locked in a skyscraper with a doe-eyed receptionist called elaine and FOUR MASKED MEN........*dramatic music*......
off i go on daly's challenge.......
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Daly's Challenged
Anywhooo Daly treated us to the list of books on the Booker long-list (for those of us reading her blog with no idea how to use google). She set herself the task of reading all the books on the list before the winner is announced. She's pretty non-committal about the whole thing to be honest, she basically says she might do it. She's 'contemplating' doing it and will 'start off with' a book she already owns and 'see how it goes'. Since the book she has is the last on the list (it's alphabetical by author), Daly's going to read it in reverse alphbetical order... seriously... ummm ok, I'm not going to comment I mean what can I say... that its nerdy, we're talking about someone who's doing the booker prize challenge.
or might.
Oh yeh the second post.
She remembers fringe is on and she won't have as much time to do the booker prize challenge.
But in this post she doesn't back down. So here is the nicest thing I'm ever going to say (write) to Daly.
You can do it. You can, I have full faith and I also think that while watching plays and listening to live Jazz take up time (did you see the capital J in jazz, it's there because that's an important word in that sentence) it will get you in a cultural mood and therefore give you the momentum to get this challenge done.
You can do it and I will beat you up if you don't. Obviously I won't beat you up, that's ridiculous, but I'll wedgy you like we did on your 21st, and I will make damn sure it will be a thong again.
Monday, July 26, 2010
In which we realised that daly's blogs all start with "in which"
i feel transported back to the 90's when each episode of friends started with "the one with" when i read daly's blog,where each blog post starts with "in which".......i like it!
its witty,preppy and i look forward to the next blog post "in which" she will muse on muddled miscellaneous musings.
and the fact that i just noticed she does this means that it's subtle,it sneaks up on herpes.
and i feel the notion will never quite leave me,much again,like herpes.
but back to the essence of the blog in which she reviews a book......something about a guy with ADHD........yada,yada,yada..........
i laughed at the bit where she said she wasnt being sarcastic(caus this is a lie),and i also had a good snigger at the part where he "examines himself"........but thats just me.....
i did pick up on the mention of cuba libre reminded me of the time i was in cuba.......though the first time i had a cuba libre was in brazil,i was on some island,ille grande i do believe............good times......
but back to the blog..........there are alot of words i dont understand and had to look up in my dictionary app,but yet i had anxiously awaited this blog,like i do the next, "in which" there shall be more miscellanous muddles of musing.......
Saturday, July 24, 2010
This is what Daly had to say.
"So here we go!!!" : She doesn't know what she'll be writing about yet.
"In which I get my em dash nerd on..." : She loves 2 things, being right and the em dash. The em dash (though at no point does she use one so I'm still unsure what it is, I think it's this - could be wrong) is the best punctuation, the unicorn of punctuation because it is perfect. Semicolons are shite.
"In which I damn Shrek Forever After" : Outside of America people don't like sugary popcorn (this is true). Shrek Forever After is not the worst movie but its not that great, it shouldn't have been made (I saw Shrek 3 and I felt that was crap, so I presume Shrek 4 shouldn't have been made. Admittedly I am judging blindly I haven't seen it, it is unlikely that that will change). She summarizes the film noting that why is it so hard for men in movies to be tied down but apparently women don't feel like they've lost themselves when family life begins (word).
"In which I ask you what to blog about" : She asks what she should blog about, and mentions in the moments before sleep she had an epiphany for what the blog should be about and it would have been amazing but she doesn't remember.
"In which I celebrate my lack of creativity" : 'I'm not creative but I don't mind, even though writing a bog is creative' (at least she noticed). Creative people wow her, non-creative people should know their place. She is on the non-creative side of a creative business (Daly is a legal editor... I'm guessing that the editing is probably the most creative thing about law books, I've read some, they are NOT creative... sigh I hated law, I need chocolate to get me through the flashbacks currently running through my brain from Uni). She mentions thinking of herself as the stool that the bum of the writer sits on (Ev, quite rightly commented on being careful about putting bum and stool in such close proximity). She also mentioned the red pen of accuracy. (this sounds cool and even though I know it is only Daly's red pen probably bic, I still just think it sounds cool. I want one but not a bic one, the red pen of accuracy that is in my mind).
*So the bold stuff are my own comments and not part of Daly's blog. If you didn't realize this I hope you are drunk/hungover/tired (At least I'm giving you excuses there really isn't one).
**Don't you think Daly's Blog: Muddled Musings On Miscellaneous should have been called The Daly Blog... cos her name's Daly and its a blog and Daly and Daily it's a play on words don't cha know... no? Anyone? ahem.
How it all began or : The rise of the new stars of blogging and their wonderful fb chat on a warm Summer's eve
Sadly, we lost the beginning of the conversation where we decided to create a blog, merely summarizing Daly’s blog. About how could be piss off Daly, leave stupid comments on her blog? It would be entertaining yet, we felt we were capable of so much more… we created sock tennis after all. And so in the middle of the conversation (on facebook chat) I copied and pasted what was there but the beginning, beautiful, cheeky, borderline bullying (we love her really) is lost to our memories, can’t speak for Musings but mines terrible. So in my case it is lost forever. Here is what we left of the day this blog began:
Musings also have stolen the word musing from Daly's blog!
00:01Reflections bahahhahahhaha
lets steal it all well except talking about Shrek 4 cos Hell I did not go see that movie...
00:02 Musings I think we should do a synopsis of each of her blog posts, as our blog!
As well as our own witty musings.....
00:03Reflections Hahahaha amazing
00:04Musings a blog on blogging somebody elses
00:05Reflections This is PERFECT!
Ok I'm doing out layout right now
00:06Reflections I'm now making an account so we can advertise stuff on the blog and possibly make money from all the people who read our blog and then click on an ad
00:06 Musings im sooooo excited! I feel inspired already! I’m feeling creative, yet I’m not creative....yet im writing a name is Daly.
u are a genius!
00:06Reflections lol
00:07 Musings I’m gonna leave that to u because u have already started it, not that I cant do it....
I agree that I will not click on the Google ads I'm serving through AdSense.
I will not place ads on sites that include incentives to click on ads.
I agree that I can receive checks made out to the payee name I have listed above.
I will not place ads on sites involved in the distribution of copyrighted materials.
I will not place ads on sites that include pornographic content.
I certify that I have read the AdSense Program Policies.
I do not already have an approved AdSense account. (Click here if you do.)
you're agreeing to this too, ok?
00:09 Musings qui, I guess I could live without the porn.
sigh, it's a legitimate business, sigh
when will the world relaaaxx?
ummm the ads ummm stand out...
look at our main page
sips vodka in a celebratory fashion at a job well done
00:13Reflections hahahaha
sigh must get to the beer store*
for cider
00:17Reflections Musings what's your email I found where I can add you as a writer
umm I could go into my hotmail but something 69
never mind I'll find it so we don't get creeps writing to you
once I add this convo
oh right *&
maybe if u wish really hard, the alcohol fairy will leave some booze in
hah, 69 i wish!
though if u look at the figures it could work.....
hmm yeh, the beer store (its actual name and a state owned thing) isn't too far but its not on my bed, or in my wardrobe right now so its faarr
do u need my gmail acc?
not to make u feel bad but I can reach the martini from my bed....cosy!
No I don't I have added you it's official!
oooh,i made a post!
rather excited!
oooh I commented on your post
Hmmm should we send the link to Daly?
I accepted the invitation, so I am officially an author!
We so have to send her the link!
She’ll be raging and delighted!
Mostly bitter.
Consider it done!
We should have done this years ago, but like I busy.
I know it’s perfect
We can write stuff and you can tell us about your holliers
It'll be ace, hip to the groove man, I'll update if I ever do anything of interest
and I can put up the country and western song we wrote aaaaaages ago, that I found the other day!
Oooh do it do it!
u know our lives are super interesting....
its true who else could create sock tennis?
do u think we could make it on Oprah before she finishes up?
Bet they wouldn't have rackets as cool as outs
We can try doddamit!
well, I don’t know of anybody else that’s fo sho!
or goddammit
ah sure dodamit is grand!
maybe once people hear our amazing songs we'll get on...
booo Daly is probs in bed sigh
Hmmmm cider need growing
My friend has grey goose but I can't afford to replace, a good reason for people to click on amazing ads... Hmm we should ad more interests to our list so that people will click on interest and join our blog
can you add a picture of us? I can't I only have them on fb
You go to design in the top right corner
Then click on ad gadget I'm thinking bottom left and under adsense and then pick your gadget as pictures and then you just upload a picture
maybe once people hear our amazing songs we'll get on...
booo Daly is probs in bed sigh
and I can bring back phrases like "fo sho"
and bring the phrase "ass-hag" into mainstream society
ooooh, I think I hear my phone ringing, is that dolly parton on the line.....
OMG, I know what we need to include, our parody of boob state of mind!
right I thought that after that night Dolly rang you all the time...
umm you should upload boob state of mind, BEST. SONG. EVER.
I know, I’m like
dya think uploading it would work on our blog?
eeeee,"our blog"!!!
I hope so, I'm sure there's a gadget for it
I know whoop whoop"
damn that was meant to be a !
hah! That happened to me earlier, but I say we can use punctuation whatever way the heck we want on it%%
damn right*\\\\/\.
also, I like the way our adds are all human rightsy.
ahem, ads^
I just updated facebook to include our blog in my websites
yeh its perfect I own 2 pairs of Toms you know
oooh I saw the link to Daly!
hay, I’m all about the human rights....gender based violence in east timor anyone.....
maybe I should put an excerpt on our blog!
ummm ok but it has to be an external link unless Daly starts adding bits of her thesis but then everyone has to listen to me harp on about Aussie theatre
hah! true, but just think on what peeps are missing out on!
I know I know also if we had that stuff on there ppl would click on the links and we could makes the dollahs
which means that we could just spend our lives travelling like we always wanted, write about it, make more,eh?!!!
yeh a travel blog would be cool and very us, we'd have such a good time and and and... dreaming
It seems to be the only option
well it works for me!
me too, done and done
oooh,it would be like eat, pray, love but eat, blog, love.....
drink, puke, love
nope drink , snuggle, love
drink, bone, puke.
drink, puke, drink
drink, drive, rub each other....
drink, do unmentionable things to neighbours garden, memory loss
ah, I still cant drive down that road without remembering that night!
drink, an pucan day, drink, never let Daly forget what she missed....
drink, get kicked out for Corrie, drink
be sober, go back in time to the famine, drink later!
hmm time is running out for me to get to the beer store so I have to go, I love you but I need me cider, strongbow since they don't have magners, just preparing for homelessness
spare not a thought for me young m*^♥e! get thee to a liquor store!!
*turns out the beer store doesn't sell anything but beer, guess it makes grammatical sense but it was annoying because the LCBO is like a whole 5 extra yards. sigh.
heres ours,its called "new boobs"......
(this goes to along to the chorus,aka alicia's bit)
silicone is what boobs are made of,
theres nothing you cant do
when you have new boooooooooobs
those boobs are brand new
big boobs will inspire you
now u have new boobs,new boobs,new boooooooobs.........
one bra in the air for the two boobies,
street lights,big boobs all looking pretty,
no other chest in the world can compare,
put your arms up in the air and say
Friday, July 23, 2010
which direction to go in?
should we put up the country&western song we wrote about our love for cowboys......surely bringing with it fame,untold riches and a spot on oprah(though time is running out for that).
should we put up samples of our tales for children in the making,such as "the alcohol fairy" and the "adventures of pirate man at chateau de mank".......
or what about musings on the secret underground organisation that im vice-president of-"s.w.a.m.w.a.b"
(single women against men who are bastards).......
i've said too much........
it could have been a metaphor for the wonderous instument that this blog shall arise to be......
namely, a blog for bugging our friend ciara........much like a penis would.
so its agreed,it shall be a blog about a blog,blogging a blog if you
ooooh,an uber blog.
and also an insight into the musings of two minds mused together with musing muses after spending years saying that we would do something,but oooooh,we were so busy.......
*takes a swig of vodka*...........
so,to ciara.........we loves ya!